how does 725 relate to that?
My Hewitt is 725.
725 is possibly the nearest to old 531, I seem to recall if Bob Jackson etc replace a 531 tube they do it with 725?
It's easier to work with.
The modern steel is 953 - I'd have a Rourke 953 if I was still riding road....
Put it away.... lovely.... was my next move on road, but that's been gone by a busted back.
My lust is a Hope HB160....
Not mine but does look smart, I quite like cream colours on bikes, classynow Googling Hope HB 160
Thanks for the reassurance pat.
By the by, have had the good news that Humbrol model enamel paint no. 3 (Brunswick Green) is a near perfect match for most british racing green paint jobs. Tis thus true that cycling returns you to the simple pleasures of childhood. Haven't used those tiny pots since my cack-handed childhood misadventures with airfix kits, and british racing green has been a favourite colour of mine since childhood. So a great choice of colour for my bike, if a tad ironic as it is often loaded up like a tipper truck.
Thanks again folks.
Have since discovered that these folks stock a humbrol actually labelled British Racing Green, and there are a few near me in London.Thanks for the reassurance pat.
By the by, have had the good news that Humbrol model enamel paint no. 3 (Brunswick Green) is a near perfect match for most british racing green paint jobs. Tis thus true that cycling returns you to the simple pleasures of childhood. Haven't used those tiny pots since my cack-handed childhood misadventures with airfix kits, and british racing green has been a favourite colour of mine since childhood. So a great choice of colour for my bike, if a tad ironic as it is often loaded up like a tipper truck.
Thanks again folks.