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>>>I just break it down to 3 items, the bread, the jam, the butter.<<<

Thats exactly how I used to do it and then save the item for further use, but unless you weigh the jam, I never touch butter or marg, it becomes a guessing game again. Then the next time you have a Jam butty, it could be different make of bread, jam etc, then your back to square one. Ideal if you live on weetabix and other ready made items but when you make up your own meals, it does become a chore. A Sunday dinner used to be a right pain, to get it accurate you need to weigh every item on your plate, homemade Yorkshire puds, every item in it would have to be worked out, unless they were shop bought then you could get the calories etc of the label.

It is a usefull site but unless your prepared to live out of packets and ready made meals it can become time consuming working all the info out for your home made meals.


>>>I just break it down to 3 items, the bread, the jam, the butter.<<<

Thats exactly how I used to do it and then save the item for further use, but unless you weigh the jam, I never touch butter or marg, it becomes a guessing game again. Then the next time you have a Jam butty, it could be different make of bread, jam etc, then your back to square one. Ideal if you live on weetabix and other ready made items but when you make up your own meals, it does become a chore. A Sunday dinner used to be a right pain, to get it accurate you need to weigh every item on your plate, homemade Yorkshire puds, every item in it would have to be worked out, unless they were shop bought then you could get the calories etc of the label.

It is a usefull site but unless your prepared to live out of packets and ready made meals it can become time consuming working all the info out for your home made meals.


Some extremely good points, I tend to try and over estimate as I need desperately to lose weight. The reason why I posted it is because for me it seems to really help me concentrate on my diet and seems to be working. That said I am FAT so losing FAT is something I need to do so any help with my weak self discipline I will take.

I had to pack up racing cross and time trials 8 years ago due to extreme arthritis in my right knee and have put on 4 stone since. Still trying to enjoy riding the bike a couple of times a week and still involved in club life in a smal way, both are helping me want to get lighter.


Some extremely good points, I tend to try and over estimate as I need desperately to lose weight. The reason why I posted it is because for me it seems to really help me concentrate on my diet and seems to be working. That said I am FAT so losing FAT is something I need to do so any help with my weak self discipline I will take.

I had to pack up racing cross and time trials 8 years ago due to extreme arthritis in my right knee and have put on 4 stone since. Still trying to enjoy riding the bike a couple of times a week and still involved in club life in a smal way, both are helping me want to get lighter.

Bill Gates

West Sussex
The biggest factor in losing weight is getting a grip; making that decision; creating a plan, and then implementing it. After a time it becomes a habit. Anything that is a habit is easier to do. I seem to remember reading somewhere that if you are doing something regularly it becomes a habit after a certain number of days, 30 or so I think. If you do it for something like a month then you will be more likely to continue with it.

Bill Gates

West Sussex
The biggest factor in losing weight is getting a grip; making that decision; creating a plan, and then implementing it. After a time it becomes a habit. Anything that is a habit is easier to do. I seem to remember reading somewhere that if you are doing something regularly it becomes a habit after a certain number of days, 30 or so I think. If you do it for something like a month then you will be more likely to continue with it.


I must be an expert on diets, I have been on loads of them. :blush:

I know getting a grip sounds easy, but try living in a house where the wife loves baking, and I mean all the goodyor should I say baddy stuff, apple pie's syrup puds, flap jacks, chocolate cake. When we used to run a reliability trial from the house, we used to get members of every club within miles coming just for the food, in fact some came by car without any intention of riding just for the grub.


I must be an expert on diets, I have been on loads of them. :rofl:

I know getting a grip sounds easy, but try living in a house where the wife loves baking, and I mean all the goodyor should I say baddy stuff, apple pie's syrup puds, flap jacks, chocolate cake. When we used to run a reliability trial from the house, we used to get members of every club within miles coming just for the food, in fact some came by car without any intention of riding just for the grub.


New Member
The biggest factor is 'Discipline'.

Do you want to lose fat?
Have you got enough self discipline?

Yes,,, Prove it to yourself.

No,,, Stay fat.


A lot of people make the mistake of "going on a diet" when they really need to change their eating habits.
If you can cut the amount of processed food you eat to the absolute minimum, eat bread (and even cakes) made from wholemeal flour, not white flour which has been coloured brown, wholemeal pasta and unrefined rice; plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, throw away all sugary soft drinks plus those which are artificially sweetened (they're even worse) and drink water with occasional glasses of red wine, eat oily fish three times a week and cut your meat consumption to perhaps twice a week you will not only feel a lot better but I daresay a few pounds will disappear too.

Fiona N

Have you guys seen this site - not cycling-specific but the writers (bloggers) are pros and scientists. Everything I've read of theirs has been very carefully considered and I'd rate it as one of the best sports science sites. The thread on weight loss is just icing on the cake at the moment :o)


Just call me Chris...
Fiona N said:
Have you guys seen this site - not cycling-specific but the writers (bloggers) are pros and scientists. Everything I've read of theirs has been very carefully considered and I'd rate it as one of the best sports science sites. The thread on weight loss is just icing on the cake at the moment ;)

Nice find, thanks for posting :biggrin:

I've only had time for a quick read so far so will study it later.
Sounds like good logic, I've been an advocate of the simple "calories in vs calories out" arguement for some time now but have read, and watched, a huge amount of evidence to suggest that this simply isn't the case.
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