Did he do anything wrong?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
i think technically you're supposed to wait with the traffic, but as the MC said, he thought he'd try his luck.

There appears to be cycle lane markings so a cyclist would be able to filter up the inside.


During my BikeSafe three week course with Cambridge Police we were told to ‘make progress’ thro traffic and on my one to one with my traffic cop motorcyclist we did just that in Peterborough rush hour.


Über Member
Filtering is aloud as long as you can do it safely, obviously the copper didn't think he could.


Legendary Member
The copper was quite succinct. There is no specific offence but plenty of stated cases that put it under careless or dangerois if the circumstances dictate.

He could have let it go (I might have done, traffic wasnt too bad and he wasnt razzing along), but if he'd gone another 50 yards and something had gone wrong with would have been the bobbie's balls on a barbed wire platter so I can understand it, even if only as a CYA exercise.

Ultimately the driver or a motor vehicle commits an offence if they fail to obey any instruction given by a constable in uniform, so if the bobby didn't think it was appropriate he can quite lawfully order the rider not to. And that's the end of that.
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Legendary Member
In all my years on motorcycles I always filtered if I could. Never had an issue.

In all my years of motorcycling I've rarely done it because I've delivered too many Death O-Grams to the families of people that decided to filter and came a cropper.


Senior Member
In all my years of motorcycling I've rarely done it because I've delivered too many Death O-Grams to the families of people that decided to filter and came a cropper.

The local joiner where I used to live was also an part-time undertaker. Used to have to collect bodies from crashes on the A1. Never seemed to affect him as he always had a sunny disposition. Couldn't do it myself so my admiration goes to those that have to do this or tell people.
The local joiner where I used to live was also an part-time undertaker. Used to have to collect bodies from crashes on the A1. Never seemed to affect him as he always had a sunny disposition. Couldn't do it myself so my admiration goes to those that have to do this or tell people.

My great uncle when be was a lowly sergeant in the police attending a rail station on crowd duty due to death on line. Due to staffing issues with the BTP they asked for help from the local constabulary for volunteers. My great uncle got volunteered by his boss who thought it best to assign to an experienced officer. It was to walk the line, identify and actually pick up body parts! Apparently a train impact at speed creates a mess over a good mile or so.

Anyway, I have a lot of respect and appreciation for any officer, paramedic or other person who is involved in dealing with bodies of people who died in potentially unpleasant accidents. How they don't get PTSD sometimes I don't know!


Heavy Metal Fan
I'm not sure I would have filtered there unless I was in a mad rush. The cones could be regarded as roadworks i.e. there are speed and overtaking restrictions. Cones can be more treacherous than they look if you run over the bottom of one!

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Doesn't appear to be that much room to filter, coned off lane obviously for a reason. although filtering is allowed in certain circumstances, on a few occasions sitting in an ASL, I've been joined by bikers who filter but don't realise that NC 178 states they must stop at he first white line if safe to do so. Some think filtering into the ASL is permitted (and I've also had motorbikes follow me up the cycle lane into ASL's too).


Slippery scientist
The copper’s beef seems to be that it is one lane, which sort of makes sense. Usually filtering is carried out between two lanes, either in the same direction or in opposite directions (the USAians refer to it as lane splitting). That said, for it to be an offence the standard of riding would have to be below that expected. I’d also argue that it is not an offence to disobey an unlawful order from a police officer. I’d also hope that the police officer would take a more engaging approach rather than launch straight into alpha male dominance.
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