Looking to quit myself tonight!
Been on the tabs since I was 16 (now the wrong side of 40 !!!) Tried a couple of times without success, although I did quit for around 8 weeks once but like a fool I faltered and restarted.
Youngest daughter bought me some E cigs with a heartfelt plea to stop. I feel I now have to try, if not for my own sake but to ensure I live long enough to see my kids get married, have their own kids and see them grow up.
I feel cycling will be a step in the right direction in helping me stop as I would like to get and feel fitter, less lethargic and above all............. to stop smelling like a bloody ashtray!
I am self conscious of the horrible stink attached to smokers. I also know that includes me when I've just had one. Would be great to go out of an evening and not take off foul smelling clothes when I get into bed at the end of the evening.
Got a few ciggies left, so aiming to smoke my head off tonight and get them used. Then hopefully that'll be it, I aim to be an ex smoker this time tomorrow!
There. I've put it in writing now. Can't go back. Any support and encouragement would be greatly appreciated folks.