Diary of a smoker

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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Read Allen Carr's book. I read it twenty year's ago and it made a whole heap of sense, but it didn't stop me. My sister died of lung cancer seven years ago, but it didn't stop me. I didn't really want to stop. I could not see a good reason to do so.
I bought a bike, meanwhile, and puffed about before realising that the bike was more fun than puffing. It was so easy to stop with a replacement obsession that was not a vile piece of gum that constantly reminded me of a cigarette.

A lot of ex-smokers get all self-righteous and rather unappealing as they preach to "the fallen". I really hate that.



You're already past the worst of it. Well done. It's no mean feat. Think of that as your 9/10 challenge. Now be very very careful. In a week or so, you'll probably run into the backslide challenge. That's actually only a 6/10 challenge, but it snags a lot of people. ('Now I know I can kick i when I want, one quick one can't hurt'.)

Then, as now, only one thing really works. Forget patches, gum and Allen Carr. Just decide you're not going to stick things in your head and set fire to them anymore.

Hang on in there. It never quite goes away, but any pressure you're feeling now will shrivel away at a speed that will amaze you. One week and you really will have broken the back of it. (And saved fifty quid.)


Über Member
Belvedere, Kent.
Good luck to those that are trying to give up. Don't waste your money on the patches and gum though....they get you hooked in another way and cost a fortune! A cheaper alternative is an electro-fag, still get the hit without the smoke. I carry one with me for when I'm not allowed a proper fag and they do the job until I can get the real deal.


Another ex-smoker here. I never really had what you would call an addiction, but used to smoke in the car on the journey to and from work. My wife gave up smoking (now she did have a habit) when we started trying for a family, so I gave up too in solidarity with her. That was 7yrs ago, and whilst I too have the odd ciggy/cigar at xmas or New years, I've found the cycling really helps me stay focused on my fitness and health, and off the weed.


What’s the point
breaking the hand to mouth habit was the hardest for me. the pure action of smoking . took several attempts before i did. nearly 3 years now , as its sometime in February i stopped. i tried prescription patches nicotinell and they didn't work ,tried the gums and they were vile. in the end i bought patches the niquitin CQ clear ones and they worked , maybe it was the fact i was buying them rather than prescription. chest is clearer, health is beter in general. have a bit more cash to spend on bikes and bike bits.

one thing that might have helped a bit more was my daughter using the "becky taylor " approach. i am not afraid of anything dad , except you dying from smoking. was a bit hard to carry on after that


South Somerset
You're already past the worst of it. Well done. It's no mean feat. Think of that as your 9/10 challenge. Now be very very careful. In a week or so, you'll probably run into the backslide challenge. That's actually only a 6/10 challenge, but it snags a lot of people. ('Now I know I can kick i when I want, one quick one can't hurt'.)

Then, as now, only one thing really works. Forget patches, gum and Allen Carr. Just decide you're not going to stick things in your head and set fire to them anymore.

Hang on in there. It never quite goes away, but any pressure you're feeling now will shrivel away at a speed that will amaze you. One week and you really will have broken the back of it. (And saved fifty quid.)

Like that, very true.

Well,still an ex smoker, although was tough this morning as the sun was shining and my normal routine would be coffee and a smoke outside in the sun (even tho its cold).

Did have a squirt of the spray and i think it may have helped. as others have said, its also the hand to mouth action that i am finding hard, seems bloody stupid really.

Oh and was looking at the NHSstop smoking site and in big bold letters its say "click & DRAG" ffs its meant to help, so dont put the word DRAG for gods sake^_^

Going out today to look at a roofrack for the car so i can head out on the bike a bit more (MTB) and to see how i can improve on the hill.

Tomorow will be a big challenge as its back to work, but i will cross that bridge when it comes.

As ever, thanks for all the replies and advice, trust me, it really helps.:thumbsup:

OK then - 2nd day as a non smoker - bring it on

Rural halfwit

Well-Known Member
Cambs (Fenland)
they work like a normal ciggy but glow blue and use water vapour, look very odd but many say they are really good.I have one but seldom use it.


Legendary Member
What makes it hard for me to stop or cut down, is the tangue at the back of my throat when I inhale. I enjoy that sensation the most, even over the nicotine. So when trying the inhalers to stop sometime ago, it just made me want a smoke even more. As it didnt give me what I was expecting, but just a sting which was the nicotine being delivered .


South Somerset
What makes it hard for me to stop or cut down, is the tangue at the back of my throat when I inhale. I enjoy that sensation the most, even over the nicotine. So when trying the inhalers to stop sometime ago, it just made me want a smoke even more. As it didnt give me what I was expecting, but just a sting which was the nicotine being delivered .

I know exactly what you mean, yes it is enjoyable, feeling the smoke going down. First thing with a coffee - bliss

well it was, but not any more. I enjoy getting out on my bike and beating that bloody hill more than the smoking. Pure stubboness (sp) and pig headed belief will get me through.


Legendary Member
I know exactly what you mean, yes it is enjoyable, feeling the smoke going down. First thing with a coffee - bliss

well it was, but not any more. I enjoy getting out on my bike and beating that bloody hill more than the smoking. Pure stubboness (sp) and pig headed belief will get me through.
Nice one, Im inspired by yourself and others that have managed to stay off them. But Im still wanting to stop, but get that fearful feeling at the thought of not taking any baccy or fags to work with me.


South Somerset
Nice one, Im inspired by yourself and others that have managed to stay off them. But Im still wanting to stop, but get that fearful feeling at the thought of not taking any baccy or fags to work with me.

Trust me, ive gone nowhere in the last god knows how many years with out fags, the last few years ive rolled my own, so that meant a pack of baccy, a tin of papers and filters and a lighter everywhere i went, even out on the bike.

I could not go anywhere, and if the baccy was getting low i had panic attacks of running out. and i am not joking either.

Screw that, i am not going to let it get that a hold on me any more.

I want a £1000 MTB, if i stop smoking for 1 year its mine, end of story. Think about something you want, something the fag money will get spent on, put a pic in your wallet,put a pic in the house shed of whatever, now, what would rather have, a smoke or whats on the pic.

Thats whats getting me through, and posting on here.

If you want to give up, join me, we will do it together on here.


Nice one, Im inspired by yourself and others that have managed to stay off them. But Im still wanting to stop, but get that fearful feeling at the thought of not taking any baccy or fags to work with me.

Interesting point, as was demonstrated to me when I smoked. A smoker can quite happily go without a fag for three hours, however, if you take the smokers fags away and say they can't have them back for three hours then they they will start to stress.

Just shows it is just a psychological addiction, and if you can break that - which you can do before you stop smoking - then it isn't too difficult.
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