Desk / computer workstation fettling thread

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Time Waster

I don't know what you're talking about :rolleyes:

That comment makes me wonder about cops and ex cops. What crime would you say as a cop or ex cop would your feel confident of getting away with? Nobody's perfect and in strict reading of the laws coppers probably do fall foul of the law as indeed with everyone. I just wonder with your insight if there's anything that you'd need to be a copper to get away with.

No need to answer. It is just my curious mind reflecting on something. Not making a point or anything.

PS there's a good chance everyone who has cash might have a counterfeit currency. I heard there's a lot of counterfeit £1 coins in circulation.


Isca Dumnoniorum
I do a couple of 1/2 days a week working from home & make do with the dining room table.
Place mats under a scissor laptop stand works well & packs away quickly when i get hungry.
It raises the laptop screen to mid height with the second monitor.
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