Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
Yes, it is worrying about the apparent acceleration of time... just as we start to run out of it!Crikey Colin, recalling that horrendous incident brought fear induced goose pimples on to my arms! Thankfully, I've not encountered anything as bad as that since then. But only slightly less scary is that I posted that ride report over 3 years ago! Where on earth has that time gone?

As for mad motorists... I was riding back towards Summit this evening from Calderbrook and a driver overtook me at less than arm's length doing an estimated 40-50 mph. I heard him coming but didn't expect the pass to be that close so I was, er, 'somewhat startled'!

I thought that there could only be 3 possible explanations:
- The driver's brain was so defective that he genuinely believed that it was safe to overtake me that close, that fast. (I doubt it!)
- He was distracted by something - checking email on his smartphone, watching a DVD, reading a book etc. (They sound ludicrous, but drivers are regularly stopped by the police for doing those things.) I don't think it was due to distraction because the car never deviated at all from its trajectory. I think that it was going exactly where the driver intended it to go. Which leaves...
- The man was a sociopath who knew exactly what he was doing and got a kick out of scaring me!