Persistence pays off!
I've been working on it for days . The seized expander that is! I've hit the bolt with a hammer and all that I achieved was a dented bolt. I've sprayed it with penetrating oil and let it soak in . Hit it again and achieved a bent bolt. I sealed it up and poured caustic soda in . I drained it and put some rust removing liquid in and left it over night. Still no joy when I hit it. I was almost at the point of giving up!
Over the weekend I thought I would try some lime juice. Shhh! Don't tell the wife! I left it to soak overnight.
I shone a torch up inside to see what it was like inside. I could see the expander shining away like new, the treatment seemed to have had some effect. I put some more lime juice in and noticed that the level dropped! There was no sign of it leaking out so it must have worked its way past the expander. My spirits were lifting!
Today I thought That I would try a bit of heat . I drained out the lime juice and lit my butane torch and put it up inside from the bottom. I could feel the heat building up and when I thought it was hot enough I poured cold water up inside the steerer tube. I put the expander bolt back in and gave it a couple of heavy hits. Finally It shifted! The stem was next. A large piece of wood between the forks and a bar through the stem and it started to move.
Here are the results.