Daily Telegraph forced to publish correction after publishing incorrect and misleading information.

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Remedial action required

14. The published corrections put the correct position on record and were offered promptly and with due prominence. No further action was required.

Oh, well that's OK then. no harm done, everyone makes mistakes!

Deleted member 35268

I will not even wipe my **** on that paper again.


Kilometre nibbler
Oddly enough I used to sometimes buy the Telegraph on Saturdays some years ago. I used to save the general knowledge crossword puzzles to do with mother when I visited her, and it used to have interesting quirky articles, obituaries of weird eccentrics and the sports reporting was quite good. But around 2015-ish it really lost its marbles and got worse and worse.

I complained to IPSO about that article and spent a lot of time and care paring down my complaint to only what was specifically relevant to the code of practice. I'm pleased that I think I managed to raise most of their findings.

I currently hold the KoM on that segment by the way at 70.9 km/h. https://www.strava.com/segments/13106975


Grand Old Lady
There should be a rule that Newspaper corrections/retractions should be of the same size , prominence and positioning as the original untruth.

They'll double down and find another example, somewhere... It is what they do.

As a matter of fact, i have already sent them my frankly heroic effort of 73 mph outside my local school. All achieved on a 3 speed Elephant bike. The Sturmey Archer was smoking and the hub brakes glowing a nice cherry red. But i feel this is of significant public interest...


Legendary Member
I sent them a Strava log of me doing 91 mph past a home for orphans.

Let me tell you, that isn't easy on a unicycle, particularly while rolling a joint and getting a reacharound from the call girl riding pillion. If it weren't for the 10 kg of sweaty gellignite in the panniers keeping the bike stable I'd never have stayed on at that speed.
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Legendary Member
They cannot reliably state that the data actually came from a bicycle. It could be an illegal E Bike. I use my Strava for some of my motorbike rides. It could even have been in a car.
I will not even wipe my **** on that paper again.

You've wiped with it before? :eek:
To be fair the judge is perfectly right

If you are going to publish unverified data as facts then you really need to make sure you do it in the right place

Elon also need the advertising revenue
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