When I was about 13 years old, I rode down Martin's Hill in Bromley for a dare and invented downhill mountain biking.
For those that don't know it this is a very hilly park. Earlier in the day we had been riding on an easier part of the park where there is a valley. Down one side then up the other and it wasn't too bad, but of course teenage enthusiasm meant we started looking for a more difficult challenge. It ended up with me accepting the dare to cycle down the steepest part of the hill.
You can see it here on this view, and there now appears to be a track going downhill from the war memorial. Who knows, but maybe I started this!!
Anyway I set off on my Raleigh clunker and in microseconds realised that 1970 braking technology wasn't up to much (leather brake blocks and chrome wheels). I gave up trying and just held on for dear life. When I reached the path that crosses the hill from left to right I took off. BIG AIR..... Of course on a modern full suss mountain bike when the bike landed I wouln't have felt a thing, but this was a bike made from industrial gas pipes with nothing yielding on it whatsover. my crotch region therefore took the full force of my heavy landing and I cannot tell you how much this hurt. The most amazing thing at all, was the fact that I managed to hold on and didn't fall off or crash. I like to think, I was the hero of the hour, but I suspect my friends just thought I was mad, particularly as nobody else did this descent.
Next time I am out for a ride in that neck of the woods, I must go and see if the hill is really as steep and scary as it seemed that day. Or maybe I should keep this as a memory of my youth.
To this day, I am still a bit of a wimp when it comes to going down hills on a bike

For those that don't know it this is a very hilly park. Earlier in the day we had been riding on an easier part of the park where there is a valley. Down one side then up the other and it wasn't too bad, but of course teenage enthusiasm meant we started looking for a more difficult challenge. It ended up with me accepting the dare to cycle down the steepest part of the hill.
You can see it here on this view, and there now appears to be a track going downhill from the war memorial. Who knows, but maybe I started this!!
Anyway I set off on my Raleigh clunker and in microseconds realised that 1970 braking technology wasn't up to much (leather brake blocks and chrome wheels). I gave up trying and just held on for dear life. When I reached the path that crosses the hill from left to right I took off. BIG AIR..... Of course on a modern full suss mountain bike when the bike landed I wouln't have felt a thing, but this was a bike made from industrial gas pipes with nothing yielding on it whatsover. my crotch region therefore took the full force of my heavy landing and I cannot tell you how much this hurt. The most amazing thing at all, was the fact that I managed to hold on and didn't fall off or crash. I like to think, I was the hero of the hour, but I suspect my friends just thought I was mad, particularly as nobody else did this descent.
Next time I am out for a ride in that neck of the woods, I must go and see if the hill is really as steep and scary as it seemed that day. Or maybe I should keep this as a memory of my youth.
To this day, I am still a bit of a wimp when it comes to going down hills on a bike