Aint Skeered said:
Beat the crap out of it. Lump of wood against the rim and give it some with a sledge hammer. It might take a few hefty blows, but it will come eventually.
WD40 will not do anything, I work on sprinters quite a bit, and believe me, this is the best method.
Where the damn things gone flat is on a gravely path. I've put the bottle jack on some wood and slate but I don't have any axle stands so I don't want to stick myself under the van to smack the wheel. That said, I shall try and rig something up today, bearing in mind it's a camper conversion, so weighs about three ton unloaded. Not something you want to fall on top of you.
I've tried gently rocking it with nuts loosened, so today I shall try and prize the mated surface apart through the holes in the outer rim, hoping the ovenight WD40 has done some work. Plus some rocking and careful thumping.
won't be putting any grease on the bolts, Torque settings are for dry bolts but I will clean the mating surfaces and while I'm at, I think I'll take the other wheels off. The thought of a puncture in a dodgy spot with van full of kids, wife and dog and me not being able to get the wheel off does not thrill me. If it was Mrs Crackle and kids by herself, I think I would advise her to call the AA, it's not like changing a car wheel.
Thank you Bonj
Yes it is jacked up.