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Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Auntie Helen said:
Well I was getting irritated with Ianrauk briefly last month when he cheated by doing an 80something mile day when I had only done 30. And FFFF was doing his best to retain top spot at the beginning of this month.

I think it's hard to overestimate the incentive that racing against others can bring.

Next month I'm going back down to more sensible mileage, btw. A couple of months ago I was in 13th place, I may return nearer there in April.

Hi AH, You still trying for the 1000 this month ?

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:
Hi AH, You still trying for the 1000 this month ?
Yip I am, am doing well on target too...



Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Nice one, well done for 100 percent riding this year and I just noticed your year target of 12,000 :thumbsup:


Senior hunter
MacBludgeon said:
I have but I like the comparison and a bit of competition, I take my battle for a low teens finish quite seriously. There's also my dream of breaking into the top 10 and getting the average up to 15mph.

Oh, I see. I do that on a yearly basis @ CKAP. My contributions are modest in the overall scheme of things, but my club has taken the Hewes Challenge club award for 5 straight years now.

For my personal data, I use a spreadsheet I made w/ Excel. At the end of the year I transfer those stats to the CKAP spreadsheet.

I can see I'm going to have to post something on Veloweb for those not inclined or unable to make one for themselves. Another project!:thumbsup:


Cycling in the sun
Do you want a laugh ... here's my graph:

I don't know whether to adjust my aim for the year to allow for the broken arm or to just have to work harder all the other months to catch up:sad:.


Legendary Member
summerdays said:
I don't know whether to adjust my aim for the year to allow for the broken arm or to just have to work harder all the other months to catch up:sad:.
There are no allowances for broken arms on Cyclogs:evil:, get on your bike.:smile::biggrin:
summerdays said:
Do you want a laugh ... here's my graph:

I don't know whether to adjust my aim for the year to allow for the broken arm or to just have to work harder all the other months to catch up:sad:.

I wouldn't change the target - I see the month target as a division of the 'whole year' target, because you do less in the winter due to lack of daylight, horrible colds, snow.....

I've put down 300 a month as my target but I haven't met that yet - I hope to do so this month - I got ridiculously excited when the blue line went OVER the red one for the first time ever!! And hopefully I'll beat the 300 ever month in the summer - apart from June, as I'm away with work and then on holiday, so hardly any bike time :smile:.

The 300 a month was a way to get 3500 in the year, which the moment I think is doable (even though the year will only have 11 months of cycling in it....hmmm I may have overreached myself there :smile:)


Cycling in the sun
My aim was 3000 - so 250 a month and I had got ahead of the red line before the accident. Then in the summer I end up doing less as I'm at home with the kids for 6 weeks so less cycling then.

Which team are you logging your miles under? You don't appear on the Cyclechat list. How many others on this board are logging their miles under different teams... - just wondering what other teams are represented here?


back and brave
I did briefly log mileage under CycleSocial because I thought it might make more of a challenge for the top of the leaderboard! Then followed an influx of CCers logging mileage and I realised I was fighting a loosing battle. So I rejoined the peleton!

But I suspect if the yacf members decided to log their mileage then that'd whip our ass!


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Seem to be lagging below my monthly target of 300 ;)
Still, it's been a hectic 1st quarter and for one reason or another haven't had the opportunity to put in the big rides. Come June I will try to get back on track with some long ones :smile:

It seems so easy to slip by 50 miles in 1 month but all those 50's will be a b*tch to recoup come December to hit the annual target!


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Well I am about 500 miles behind my year target to the end of March but hope to have caught up by the end of May. As soon as those lighter evenings start I find the mileage can soon mount up.

Yello, good to have you back


Well-Known Member
Then you have King of the Hill, Aran20, I believe that the rest of us will, at some point, be clubbing together to have his 'legs done', don't see any other way of dethroning him.

These early season miles are all planned to get myself prepped for the season ahead, its now I'll start to increase the intensity and reduce the mileage slightly. It's not my intention to pi$$ people off, honest. Moose introduced me to the sight and I have found it a great way off keeping tabs of all my training.

Anyway, stop slackin' and get some more bikin' done ;):laugh::ohmy:


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
What are you doing posting on here, you should be out on your bike getting the miles in ;)


FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:
What are you doing posting on here, you should be out on your bike getting the miles in :headshake:

Wish I was out on my bike. I can see the sunshine through the crack of the office door. May have to nip off early and get some miles in on the long way home.

I have now signed up and added my March rides, all going to the CC team total. Makes me feel a bit dirty like a Man U supporter, joining a winning team.
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