ianrauk said:
Food... always bleeding hungry.
Try to eat healthily, for brekkie - oatiflakes, lunch - load of fruit and a kit kat, dinner at night - normal din dins what ever the lovely mrs ianrauk is dishing up..
Goodness, I'd fade away completely on that little
Here's what I had yesterday
Choc digestive with early morning cup of tea (courtesy of Uncle James)
Giant bowl of cereal: nutty Muesli, then Jordan's Country Crisp Four Nut Combo (or whatever it's called now), with Honey Nut Cheerios on top. Probably 120g cereal in total
Another choc digestive and cuppa
Doughnut and tea at Uni when I arrived.
For lunch, half a french stick (200g) with butter and salami.
Bag of quavers.
Afternoon snack - Aldi Totally Peanut bar (they are fab!)
50g (ish) of Dairy Milk Caramel choc
2 cups of tea
Late afternoon snack: the other half of the french stick with butter
Dinner: roast chicken with chipolata sausage and stuffing wrapped in schwarzwälder Schinken
Roast veg including 300g potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, pepper, onion, courgette.
Dessert (an hour or so later): bread & butter pudding with custard (yum!)
Late snack - tea and the end of the Dairy Milk caramel bar.
See what I mean, not particularly healthy, definitely not enough fibre. And I'm still losing weight