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Well-Known Member
Auntie Helen said:
So can you tell us some more about it? I'm completely hopeless on bikes, don't know a thing (they all seem to be one wheel short to me). I assume it's carbon fibre, thus the swoopy shape. I expected it to be smaller/thinner like the bikes the Olympians used. How do you manage not to get horrendous backache with that high saddle?

These bikes are really purely built for racing. Going down to your local chippy... Noooooooohhhhhhh. All your upper body weight is pretty much supported on the Tri-bars, so they really are compfy machines. The only issue is a really sore neck if riding a 12 hour / 24 hour time trial. Back ache has never been a problem for me.

The FELT bike and components are almost all carbon. The fixed is an alloy frame with carbon bits and bobs

Go-on AH get one and add it to your collection... Now show us one of yours... Oh err, missus!

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
I can show you two of mine:



Well, the second one is Uncle James's, but you get the picture.

Could probably go to the chippie in the first one (my purple mountain bike) if I could get it out from behind the freezer.

However, here is a proper bike:

And here are a pair of them!

As for adding a felt to my collection... :biggrin: With wheels that pricey I think I'll say no. Plus the furthest I've cycled on an Upwrong in the last 15 years was a couple of weeks ago on Ianrauk's Specialized Globe. Which was nice, but after 6 miles I felt like an old woman, creaking as I got off it. Uncomfortable things, bikes!


Well-Known Member
Auntie Helen said:
I can show you two of mine:



Well, the second one is Uncle James's, but you get the picture.

Could probably go to the chippie in the first one (my purple mountain bike) if I could get it out from behind the freezer.

However, here is a proper bike:

And here are a pair of them!

As for adding a felt to my collection... :biggrin: With wheels that pricey I think I'll say no. Plus the furthest I've cycled on an Upwrong in the last 15 years was a couple of weeks ago on Ianrauk's Specialized Globe. Which was nice, but after 6 miles I felt like an old woman, creaking as I got off it. Uncomfortable things, bikes!

Ohhh AH... Think you could do with a shed. Also you need to do more Barby'in, doesn't look as though thats been used in years!

How long have you been riding a Trike?

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
aran20 said:
Ohhh AH... Think you could do with a shed. Also you need to do more Barby'in, doesn't look as though thats been used in years!

How long have you been riding a Trike?
We have three sheds - one for my trike, one for James's trike, one for the lawnmower. Consequently we have a square foot of lawn in the back garden for the dog to pee in. Trikes take up a horrible amount of room!

I've had my trike for 11 months now, having not cycled in the previous 14 years. My monthly mileage has been increasing since I got the trike and my total current mileage on that trike is 5,500. Obviously having done 1000 last month and I'm on target for 1000 this month I'm upping the mileage overall as I get fitter/stronger but I'm almost on maximum time-spent-per-day-cycling amount unless I increase my average mph. In June I have a three week cycle tour in Germany so I might even pip you to the mileage record that month!

And we used that BBQ last autumn. Nothing wrong with a bit of rust and decrepitude when you're barbecuing, it adds to the taste!


Well-Known Member
Auntie Helen said:
We have three sheds - one for my trike, one for James's trike, one for the lawnmower. Consequently we have a square foot of lawn in the back garden for the dog to pee in. Trikes take up a horrible amount of room!

I've had my trike for 11 months now, having not cycled in the previous 14 years. My monthly mileage has been increasing since I got the trike and my total current mileage on that trike is 5,500. Obviously having done 1000 last month and I'm on target for 1000 this month I'm upping the mileage overall as I get fitter/stronger but I'm almost on maximum time-spent-per-day-cycling amount unless I increase my average mph. In June I have a three week cycle tour in Germany so I might even pip you to the mileage record that month!

And we used that BBQ last autumn. Nothing wrong with a bit of rust and decrepitude when you're barbecuing, it adds to the taste!

Cool... Good on you... I was only pulling your leg about the barby!!

Cheerio for now, Happy cycling my three wheeled friend.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Moving back on topic...

Also congratulations to djtheglove who this month has really gone for it distance-wise.

This month he's already done 80% of the distance he did for the whole of March and more than he did for the whole of February. Plus he has squeezed in his first century. And it's only the 15th of April!

Also congrats to Arallsopp (whom I like very much – see my sig!) for doing a ridiculous mileage in one day (174.79), even if he was on a comfortable recumbent, and for thinking about cycling from his place in Bromley to my place in Bromley, a ridiculous 72 miles, and then doing my CC ride (45-50 miles), and then cycling home again!

You long distance chaps are all mad, but well done. I'm holding on, by the skin of my teeth, to second place this month; Yello, I'm cheesed off with you for suddenly doing lots of miles for CycleChat (when you used to be safely tucked away on Cycle Social) and so preventing me from holding top spot. I shall have my revenge somehow, fear not!


back and brave
Auntie Helen said:
Yello, I'm cheesed off with you for suddenly doing lots of miles for CycleChat (when you used to be safely tucked away on Cycle Social) and so preventing me from holding top spot. I shall have my revenge somehow, fear not!

Ah now, Auntie Helen I was a CCer long before I logged some kms for CSocial.... and I only did that to try and help them out against the might of CC! Forlorn cause that one!

Think of me not as a foe but as a team mate. I'll being flicking my elbow shortly and letting you take the front. :tongue: :biggrin:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
oooh that's luvvly

aran20 said:
For you... anyfink!


I just entered my rides this month, and have come out 6th on the leaderboard :wacko: (above djtheglove ;) :biggrin: :biggrin:)

Perhaps I'll keep this up...
If I pull off the May Bank Holiday that I'm planning then I should be on top of the leaderboard for a few precious days. Won't last though because I'll probably won't want to get back on a bike for the rest of the month. :wacko:


God Almighty
Just started using is interesting indeed! I haven't been logging all my rides though :blush: though I most rides of over 20miles go in ;)

Need to get more miles in!

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I've been loggin onto Cyclogs for a few years now and always enjoyed checking out the milage etc. but now with so much activity going on within the CC team it makes it even more enjoyable. It just shows any doubters that we are a forum with very active cyclists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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