'Cyclists kill or maim two pedestrians every week, according to statistics'

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Thousands killed and maimed each week? I thought it was about 75 killed and seriously injured each week, but that's from memory.
Something went wrong with my arithmetic

Should be 9 killed and 100 seriously injured.


The number of pedestrians fatally or seriously injured by cyclists has doubled since 2006. Jeeze.

Field day for headline writers and their agendas.


Legendary Member
It does not say who is responsible for the accidents, but it is safe to say it is not all down to the pedestrians.

The law is obviously outdated and needs revising. I cannot see a problem in that.


Legendary Member
London, UK
Did they mention the number of vehicle drivers that do the same?

Honestly, a tipper drives over and kills another human (again) and it struggles to make the local news. A woman dies after being hit by a cyclist in a rare case and the country loses its collective mind along with all sense of perspective.

Are you a Muppet or something? When cars and trucks kill people, that is normal. They pay taxes which pay for the police and ambulances to take the dead people away.

The cyclists do pay nothing and so if on the off chance, they kill some moron crossing the road while checking out Facebook, what do you think the outcome will be?

I am a daily express reader and I am expressing my outrage at people like you.

(Of course, I'm kidding with you -in case not obvs, or more likely, a real daily express reader comes across this thread).
How seriously injured to you need to be to make the SI of KSI? Is it a visit to a hospital A&E, an overnight stay, some kind of life-changing effect?
According to wiki:

The definition is less clear-cut and may vary more over time and in different places. The UK definition covers injury resulting in a person being detained in hospital as an in-patient, in addition all injuries causing: fractures, concussion, internal injuries, crushings, burns (excluding friction burns), severe cuts, severe general shock which require medical treatment even if this does not result in a stay in hospital as an in-patient.[4]


Legendary Member


Legendary Member
To be fair I'd expect a car driver with no brakes to be jailed in such circumstances, but the Daily Mail aren't known for their balanced perspective.


Insert witty title here


I don't see what there is to keep debating about here. Others have already posted the facts about this situation, and here's another summary, albeit out of date, but the figures haven't changed significantly;

Pedestrian casualties 2001-09

  • Killed by cycles: 18
  • Seriously injured by cycles: 434
  • Killed by cars: 3,495
  • Seriously injured by cars: 46,245
Figures apply to Great Britain. Source: Department for Transport

And this;

Key facts:
·Mile for mile in urban areas in the UK from 2009-13, motor vehicles were more likely than a cycle to seriously injure a pedestrian, and over twice as likely to kill them.

·In London (1998-2007), just 4% of reported pedestrian injuries due to red-light-jumping involved cyclists - the other 96% were hit by red-light-jumping motor vehicles.

·Even on London’s pavements, just 2% of reported pedestrian collisions in the 1998-2007 period involved cyclists, the other 98% involved motor vehicles.

It's quite clear which problem needs looking at as a high priority, and worrying about 'track bikes' or the hysterical anti cycling ranting of sections of the press is completely missing where the problem lies, and where something needs to be done.
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