Cyclist on a bus giving cheek to a Pensioner

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Senior Member
What you are about to witness is a person on a bus with his bike .. giving cheek to a elderly person this was filmed in Denmark .. personally it's uncalled for .. yet what is more pathetic that none of the other passengers gave that person a kicking . because he fully deserved it


I wish i was on that bus ..


A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L
What a total COCK!

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
be warned that the poster of the video seems to assume this guy is a Muslim and the comments are highly racist (or whatever abuse of other religions is called)
I doubt I'd do it, but I'd like to believe I could have taken great care and respect for him and his bike as I lifted it off the bus at the next stop. He can then choose if he wants to stay on the bus and argue or jump off and collect the bike.


Well-Known Member
To be fair the other passengers did pipe up in support of the old lady and the old lady herself chipped in again which antagonised the situation even more. Not a religeous issue - there are idiots , people with mental health problems in all religeons , ethnic groups. If this was in london nobody would have said a word - credit to the danes.
Why did the youtuber have to bring race into it, what has his race got to do with him being a prat. If he felt that strongly about his bike why did he take it on a train ?


nr cambridge
haha! i reckon he is tripping his balls off. nothing to do with race/discrimination/colour or creed - he's just off his pickle

'you are destroying my bike, that piece there is touching that piece there and it is deforming it' brilliant stuff :laugh:


An arse, a veritable arse. But like others, I'm more than a bit concerned about the way the whole thing's been played for its anti-Muslim angle. I'm sure the overwhelming majority of Muslims would be as keen as anyone else to give the guy a good kicking - if not more so (on account of him 'letting the side down'). This kind of thing is just so much fuel on the flames...

Also as others have said, good for the Danes for being willing to get involved - and in a very calm and controlled way. Can't help feeling that a London train would have either kept its head down or gone nuclear...


Über Member
As much of a bellend as this guy is, we don't see what led up to this - although I don't wish to defend his response. He certainly isn't as much as a hateful, nasty piece of **** as some of the people commenting on it.

Especially as there is nothing in that video to suggest he even is a Muslim.


I think the response by the passengers was perfect here, in 99% of situations in the UK I'd put my money on everyone looking at the floor and praying for their stop to come sooner.

Do you really think giving this guy a kicking would have been of any help? Or is it just resorting to this guys level.

I'd say this video is a shining example of the nature of the Danes, I wish we could all act a bit more like this.
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