Cyclist kills pedestrian

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Über Member
Origamist said:
Backlash continues apace:

"Cyclists 'don't obey road laws'"

I've made a couple of contributions, which you may or may not agree with.
Origamist said:
Backlash continues apace:

"Cyclists 'don't obey road laws'"

:blush: I think the CTC were certainly naive with their recent press. However, it has been said now and we can't take it back.

One positive thing (maybe?) is at least people are now talking about the issues. However, what is needed is reasoned argument and discussion not the witch hunting that the press seems to enjoy so much.

I really despair about the UK press......:blush:


Taking the biscuit
Second to the death of the girl, the worst thing about all this is the timing.
As the summer hols approach the media hits the silly season and a story like this could run all summer. It even seems to have eclipsed the horrors of the murder of the two French students.

At last the topic of cyclists v motorists has reached the fore but lets hope something else big and positive for a change comes along to stop the witch hunt.


Über Member
domtyler said:
Are you going to reproduce them here so we can see them?

Well, here's one, I don't have a draft of t'other so we'll have to wait and see if they show it.

I've been cycling in London for over 30 years and I've learned to ride legally and safely. Cyclists who ride on the pavement are not only breaking the law and endangering pedestrians but actually face more risk from traffic than those who ride correctly on the road. Think: if the pavements are so safe, how is it that nearly 700 pedestrians get killed each year in traffic accidents? As for red light jumping, a very irresponsible report a few months ago implied that this might be safer than waiting, but I've never seen a cyclist run a red for that reason. The only thing to watch out for here is that you're not to the left of a turning lorry; it's awareness and positioning that keeps you safe, not law-breaking.
A great many cyclists know all this and ride within the law at all times; only no-one ever sees them, people only notice those cyclists who draw attention to themselves by conspicuous bad behaviour.


Über Member
tdr1nka said:
Second to the death of the girl, the worst thing about all this is the timing.
As the summer hols approach the media hits the silly season and a story like this could run all summer. It even seems to have eclipsed the horrors of the murder of the two French students.

God help us if their killer owns a bike.


Resting in suspended Animation
I hope apart from possible appeal regulator mentioned for specific reasons that it does get changed for some positive news. Having a media circus exploiting and pestering them dragging it out is not good for the family of the dead.


New Member
jely said:
called me a vile and arrogant girl... which i consider myself not.
BentMikey said:
Aussie, aren't ya?
LOL, sorry, just kidding!

damn... you've already met an Aussie before - so i guess i should give up the sweet, innocent act then hey ;)


New Member
The whole thing is being blown up by the media and this type of story appeals to the driving daily mail reader.

All cyclists are a menace and should be shot, hung and drawn and quartered, how do cyclist dare use the roads or pavement or even exist. Car driving is the only way forward and everything else is wrong Blah Blah Blah

Unfortunately wait a week and another female cyclist will go under the wheels of lorry turning left in London and no one will care and when the drivers fined £4.50 people will say oh well just another accident.

I just wish all of these deaths could be stopped


New Member
Yeah, I thought he was mad to be doing that kind of speed into that path at the end of the close (if that's what he intended)


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
domtyler said:
One dumb bastard on a bike does not mean that cycling is any more or less safe
Of course not, but it is no surprise at all that the media has linked the accident to the CTC excusing cyclists who break the law.


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