It was supposed to be a Threshold interval session tonight but in truth it wasn’t flat out for the whole of the 12min intervals. I probably could have got closer to the target but with an early commute and then a 50miles TT coming up I didn’t have the motivation to wreck my legs big time on the Workout tonight. I should have also done it on the TT bike but I didn’t fancy a game of Kerplunk, and did it on the roadbike which was easily retrievable instead. Given Ive got a local TT coming up I thought Id better recce the course so that dictated the route. Its not the best of training routes however, as it has too many downhills and the uphills are too short so I haven’t looped round it in a bit. The route was Peterborough, Awalton, down Bullock Road, over the Morborne Bump to the Morbourne village, through Folksworth then down through Washingley to the Washingley cross roads, the TT turns right there back to town but that wouldn’t have gave me time for the rest of the work out so I turned left to Infield Road and that coincided nicely with a rest interval and I was able to soft pedal down to Glatton and get through the village before the next on interval which I mostly got in before the Stilton ob (I did have to loop round its tight roundabout and retrace my route for 2mins to finish). I then had a longer cooldown to Peterborough via the relativley new industrial estate and the Orton Waterville suburb.
Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought.
I stopped as usual for a few more pics on the cool down through the park.