simple shop bought scales and a ruler stuck on the wall...thats how high tech they are.... they defer you on medical grounds cause " your fat" and if you are over your bmi apparently you are prone to injury if you exercise so they wont let you prove your fitness either.. rediculous,
first time i went to selection i asked to talk to one of the doctors after the nurse said i was too much over my bmi to carry on to explain that i am fully fit, and he answered extremely blunt and rudely. "no your just fat nothing we can do. go home"
( they are all heartless stuck up overly glorified civvy gp's that get to come to the barracks for a few hours a week and think they are servicemen/women) i made sure i got the same doctor to check me over next time i went up to selection and i made sure i was very sarcastic when showing him my fitness records i got done by private healthcare and run results i did with the recruitment office
fair to say he was speechless and didnt even mutter a word about any of his previous words that i reminded him of