Hi guys, had to jump in. I am a driving instructor and cyclist (albeit better at the former). The highway code does indeed permit overtaking of cyclists across double white lines, however I would always stress to pupils - when it is clear and safe to do so. I and other instructors will always teach the principle of "what if" and the onus is really on the driver to assume the worst and think - what if a car comes flying round the bend. Cyclists have as much right to be on our roads as anyone else and again that is something I always teach. Whenever it comes to passing a cyclist I also always say to people - treat him/her just the same as you would a car i.e. leave minimum 1 metre clearance when you pass and only do so when it is clear and safe.
In short it's not your fault the hill is steep but it is the driver's fault if they make a dangerous and irresponsible overtaking manoeuvre on a bend which is clearly marked as such.
In short it's not your fault the hill is steep but it is the driver's fault if they make a dangerous and irresponsible overtaking manoeuvre on a bend which is clearly marked as such.