Ok answers as follows
1. No hmm, seems a missed trick IMO given the readily obtainable facts of cycling safety.
2. N/A
3. No reason - I wasn't interested in it so you're just picking on cyclists as a safety issue then? The common term is victim blaming. perhaps you may want to do one not in the slightest thanks. I am aware of where the dangers lie and I've engaged on here and elsewhere, virtual & real world, for a long time now, I think I have a pretty good handle on the range of opinions and perceptions on safety, PPE, etc that a varied cross section of cyclists hold and its effectiveness if someone in 2 tons of metal really wants to occupy the space you're in or simply doesn't see you irrespective of anything you may be wearing or using. I also engage directly with those that have to authority to make a greater positive difference if they so chose so can get access to all the surveys and data I could ever wish for.
4. Just from my experience of 45 years on the road in many different countries - I can't provide a more concise answer to a general question like this the basic figures are readily available. general rule of thumb from investigated accidents between bikes and motor vehicles approx 80% are attributed to the person in control of the motor vehicle. Head injuries account for proportionately few of cyclists KSI'd (incidentally a higher proportion of motor vehicle occupants suffer KSI through head trauma), passing red lights IIRC doesn't even register a % value of its own. as opposed to a regular litany of car hits, car kills, tipper truck turns left and crushes....
5. There are so many studies out there how could I possibly answer this disingenuous answer : officially published statistics, not any berk with a clipboard or access to survey monkey. e.g. a definitive one on the UK is annually published by DfT causes of accidents summary (culled from police investigations) I've seen similar from elsewhere too. Just for info in this annual publication, the reasons for accidents and injuries barely change year on year & cycling being mentioned as any cause of incident/accident/KSI is negligible compared to the regular head and shoulders winners: excess speed, not paying attention, not driving to the road conditions, driving too close to the thing you hit, failure to anticipate. Hence my suspicion to your motive and wondering where your car attitude survey is.
6. No - I don't see why I should have to - what is the issue with an interest study just trying to help and nudge you in the direction of all the info you could ever want to analyse, since it seems that you've done no checking of your own before diving in to save the world. - you need to lighten up here really? why should you be concerned about someone taking an interest in your interest, you're still asking more questions of me & others than I am of you. would you have been less dismissive if I'd done it as a google survey like yours?
7. Happy to provide results when I get a significant response volume define significant? 2, 20, 200, 2000?
8. No commercial sites - maybe no sites at all. Maybe I am just bored and I wanted to find out. kind of x-ref your answers to 5 & 6, you'd have found out plenty without having to go to the effort of writing up and distributing your how hypocritical a cyclist are you really survey and not had to worry about the Spanish Inquisition. I am certainly not a paid pollster - I thought I would ask a few questions and some helpful people would answer - I did not expect an inquisition like this? you're far far from the first to join up make no input to the wider life of the site hit us with a questionnaire as your only concession to being here, You gave no explanation to your motives, presented a heavily biased survey (particularly without any meaningful context) and your initial high handed responses about " not looking down on making it a safer place for cyclists" all made you sound like this was some sort of official thing that you are sneaking out without being honest as to the reasons or origins & appeared to be just another in a long line trying to shift the blame and onus of responsibility onto the more vulnerable parties.
9. It's a perception only study - I don't care about the different legal rules - I am interested in peoples attitudes - that is all some of your questions are 'do you / don't you', not 'would you / wouldn't you' if you had free choice'. if you're after perceptions then you need to rewrite those that are going to be influenced by the laws that different jurisdictions impose.
See all questions answered.