Who knew there was such snobbery in cyclng?! I don't care what you ride, or how you ride (though you'll get lots of sympathy if I over take you!!!), if there's a chance of eye contact, I nod or say hello, what ever's appropriate (generally if you're on a cycle track you speak, across a road, you nod).
First time I did the Manchester to Blackpool (on my £100 hybrid) I was appalled when some obviously good cyclists started berating a couple of young women (and I mean young, 19-21) for getting off and pushing up a hill. It's a fun run for most people ffs. They called them fat and they were a size 14 at most. Given that I am middle aged and at that time, a size 14 wouldn't go round one leg, I was pretty p*ssed off for them. I gave the girls an encourage smile and kept pedalling. No way way was this fat girl getting off. To this day I credit those arrogant b******* with my success on finishing that day.
Life it too short to give a flying fig about these people.
Keep smiling and waving folks (and shouting Kerching!), if only to irritate