Cycling make you live longer

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Legendary Member
Cycling make you miss off letter S from end of word.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
When my wife was ill and I was her full time carer cycling kept me more or less sane.
A specialist nurse came for an hour nearly every week but always phoned before arriving. This meant that I was ready to go as soon as she arrived and I knew she would not leave until I came back. She knew her way around out kitchen and made them both coffee and knew where the biscuit tin was.
I went regardless of weather and it did stop me going completely into depression.
Cycling is a great form of exercise and I am really thankful I returned to it after a gap of nearly 40 years when I retired and when my age-worn knees and lower back had finally stopped me running and playing squash or tennis. It has made a huge difference to my life both in terms of physical and mental health, but tbh if I could still run or play those sports I would just have the one bike and use it occasionally for local transport.

Cycling is great, but it has its limitations and needs to be supplemented by resistance exercise for the upper body and some sort of exercise like regular walking or jogging to strengthen the bones.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Cycling is a great form of exercise and I am really thankful I returned to it after a gap of nearly 40 years when I retired and when my age-worn knees and lower back had finally stopped me running and playing squash or tennis. It has made a huge difference to my life both in terms of physical and mental health, but tbh if I could still run or play those sports I would just have the one bike and use it occasionally for local transport.

Cycling is great, but it has its limitations and needs to be supplemented by resistance exercise for the upper body and some sort of exercise like regular walking or jogging to strengthen the bones.
Totally agree about the mental / physical health as well as supplementing with the strength and load bearing bits :smile:

Running's the work of the devil, however..
Totally agree about the mental / physical health as well as supplementing with the strength and load bearing bits :smile:

Running's the work of the devil, however..

Depends on where you run. City streets are boring, gyms even worse, but parks and country paths can be great.


Kilometre nibbler
In my 20s - 30s I was a keen, if ponderous and slow, runner/jogger. Hilly half marathons were my thing. Then I wrecked my knee in an accident and my surgeon advised me that running wasn't a great hobby. I still love walking and, 20 years on from my knee injury I sometimes get an inkling that I'd like to do a bit of jogging. Maybe when I retire ...
I agree about cycling helping with depression
I would have gone crazy without my bike over lockdown - being stuck inside is not good for me so I went out for my Boris authorised cycle ride most days
I found a lot of paths and country roads that I still use
although riding on the big expressway is no longer possible - or at least sensible - but was fine in the first lockdown - great to be able to ride happily down the middle of the lane on a major expressway with no fear of a cra or lorry coming up behind!

Oh - and I agree with running - tried it a few times and I don;t like it nor do my knees and achilles which tend to complain and leave me liming for a few weeks if I try it!

Walking is also fine - but I like the distance I can go cycling - gives me more sense of freedom!

Lone Wolf

Über Member
I’ll do you a swap?

I went to Lourdes with the missus a few years ago. She went for religious reasons. I managed to get the tour rep to hire me a bike for a day, so I went from Lourdes up to Pont Napoleon (Napoleons Bridge). Loved the climb. Flattish cycle track from Lourdes to the beginning of the valley that leads to Luz San Saveur - boring. In the mountains ❤️❤️❤️
i live in the South Wales Valleys, so it’s just as well I like hills and climbs but the question of why I have ended up with a two speed Pashley Clubman is anybodies guess 😂
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