Cycling make you live longer

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What's a telomere and why does it matter how long it is...?
(yes I know I could google it)

Is cycling cardiovascular exercise? Surely it depends on the type of cycling...


As long as I breathe, I attack.
What's a telomere and why does it matter how long it is...?
(yes I know I could google it)

Is cycling cardiovascular exercise? Surely it depends on the type of cycling...

simply ? the telomeres are on the ends of the chromosomes and protect them from damage including combining with other chromosomes this also protects the DNA, every time the chromosome divides the telomere become slightly shorter until the protection is gone and the cell dies
a 45 min jog will spike telomere activity for hours .
if you understand it please let me know ;)
Compared with inactive individuals, active subjects had longer telomere lengths, especially those who engaged in moderate and robust physical exercise.
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Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Anything that increase your heart rate and exercises your heart muscles is good surely?
Makes you less likely to suffer a heart attack.
My wife commented on something like this just before

she said that, in her opinion, I am reliant on cycling for my health
which seemed a but extreme

but she reckons that if I don;t go out on my bike for several days on the run then I get all twitchy and even depressed

a walk helps as well but I am wary of walking much because if I do my Achilles "goes" and I end up walking with a stick for weeks - or my knee goes with the same result
both of which keep me stuck in the house and we go back to the above


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
All joking aside it's not just total longevity but quality of life into old age too; remaining fit and healthy will lessen the chance / impact of serious health issues and hopefully increase the liklihood of a decent standard of living then a quick decline at the end.. rather than the current prevailing trend which seems to be slow decline through diabetes / obesity / heart disease / dementia for the last ten or twenty years of life.. which is no way to live.


Kilometre nibbler
I'm going with birthdays. All the evidence shows that the more birthdays you have, the longer you live. QED.

It's the birthday cake that does it.
It's the birthday cake that does it.

OK - that's a good point - grand kids birthdays are coming up - 3 of them - must blag extra cake

Ican normally get some from the middle one who is autistic and doesn;t like cake or chocolate
but he seems to be improving and we saw him eating cake the other day

the 3 year old will never give up his cake and will probably climb on his Gran's lap to try to get some of hers by looking cute (doesn;t work with me - he learns fast!)

might need to employ Special Measure and sneak into the kitchen while it is being given out and no-one is looking


As long as I breathe, I attack.
My wife commented on something like this just before

she said that, in her opinion, I am reliant on cycling for my health
which seemed a but extreme

but she reckons that if I don;t go out on my bike for several days on the run then I get all twitchy and even depressed

a walk helps as well but I am wary of walking much because if I do my Achilles "goes" and I end up walking with a stick for weeks - or my knee goes with the same result
both of which keep me stuck in the house and we go back to the above

several days?
im grumpy after i miss a couple ! you can imagine how i feel atm :banghead:


simply ? the telomeres are on the ends of the chromosomes and protect them from damage including combining with other chromosomes this also protects the DNA, every time the chromosome divides the telomere become slightly shorter until the protection is gone and the cell dies
a 45 min jog will spike telomere activity for hours .
if you understand it please let me know ;)
Yep - thank you for the fascinating information. It's always good to learn something new :-)


the 3 year old will never give up his cake and will probably climb on his Gran's lap to try to get some of hers by looking cute (doesn;t work with me - he learns fast!)
Give it 6 months and he'll have figured out that if he complains to mummy she'll helpfully chip in with "ask daddy again to give you some of his... you'll let him have some, won't you darling!"
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