Going down a hill while mountain biking I hit a hole, went over the bars, broke my skull and collarbone. Very strange feeling, I knew where I was but no recollection of how I got there.
Speed bump had been obscured by a shelter that cast a shadow over a cycle path. Never noticed it. Was found laying unconscious by a couple of golfers. Helmet had split open but my skull was intact this time. Only a few broken ribs.
Cycling down a cycle path in Salzburg a car pulled out and stopped right in front of me. I had to come off the path to avoid it and my front wheel stuck in the Tramlines. Did the splits and tore all my pelvic Abductor muscles on both sides.That was a sore one.
Few weeks ago I came round a bend into an oil slick. Did a complete somersault on the bike which never even hit the road ! Smashed Skull and shoulder, broken ribs, breastbone, cracked pelvis, torn Abductor muscles, punctured lung.