May seem a dumb question,but the Marin bike i have ordered comes with puncture proof ? tyres,however i was unaware of this when ordering bike,so asked the guy to install puncture protection lining,is this ok,or have i wasted money!?.And do puncture proof tyres,do what it says on the tin .
There are no such thing as puncture proof tyres. Puncture resistance - yes, puncture proof - no.
You are worrying too much about punctures.
When you get the bike spend a little while practising how to get the tyre off, change an inner tube and put the tyre back on.
It's well worth the effort and learning
There are plenty of resources on the internet showing how to do this, Park Tools, You Tube etc.
Another tip I can give you is to check your tyres before and after every ride.
Pick out any bit of flint, stone, glass etc that is stuck in the tyre and dig it out. If not they will work their way in and cause a puncture. Get in the habit of doing this and you will surprised at how much crap you will find.