Cycling Bull

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Van Nick

New Member
I was always led to believe that very generally speaking, a bike with a titanium frame was more comfortable to ride than one with a carbon frame.

Having said that, James Cracknell is currently in the middle of a 1,400 mile ride (see link below), spending 18 hours per day in the saddle and he is riding a carbon fibre framed bike.

Maybe he and his team specifically chose carbon over titanium, or maybe it was just to do with the sponsorship deal.
Carbon fibre is the future, TB is spot on.


>there are people on this and other forums who claim that the ride quality of a carbon frame is not only comparable with titanium and steel - but actually surpasses it!

- How can Titanium have a ride style to Carbon or steel: rediculous.

How did this all come about? Have the millions spent in marketing Taiwan baked carbon-reinforced plastic finally paid off? = NO !

Or am I deluded? Are integrated headsets a really good idea? - YES ! Are OS bars and stems really, really necessary? - NO 100% waterproof jackets are fully breathable as well? - NO! Helmets don't protect you in a crash? - NO, they do!

I'm no Luddite and I like a new shiny bit as much as the next person but it starts to bother me when people convince themselves and then try to convince me of stuff I know not to be true.

- Thats for their stupid minds than aint it...

What next? CDs sound better than vinyl well lets put its this way there aint no 'crackling' on a CD... , Carling tastes better than a Belgian artisanal ale, - very debateable Westlife are better than the Beatles? - now this is a BEEG NO !!!!!

Where does it end? - god knows...:smile:


Titanium is flexible, ive heard, though never rode it - similar to a 531/501 frame, cause lets face those frames were not the best !

Also, last i knew TIT. has to be welded in an inert atmosphere as far as Im aware !?!?!!!!!!!!!!

Even a Tange basic doublebutted frame was better than Reynolds efforts - I know, I used to have one for 15yrs / multiple thousands of miles...

Carbon material used in cycles / frames are interesting it is a good material bar none BUT not the be and end I like a good steel frame the user-serviceablilty of it surpasses carbon ANY DAY ! Big tour = steel mandatory : carbon - you could be sectioned even for thinking about using it on a tour...

ALU': Rock stiff - though at least all the power gets to where it needs to go - but I feel if your experienced in cycles and rode a few / for a fair amount of time then you 'get' the difference in frames. And instead, last year, buying an off-the peg alu basic raliegh if it would have been a good steel jobby I would happily of had that as I know that it would have lasted a lot longe than the alu. which I have now.

If I had money to buy other bikes then i'd think of a carbon but only if the dimentions where 'workable with'.

I wonder if saddles are more critical ie comfort on a stiff frame compared to a steel ot titanium ???!?!???!??


I had a carbon road bike and I found it comfy enough compared to the alloy ones I tried when looking to buy it. Titanium was off the list, due to cost, so I've not ridden one, but I'd say the carbon was as compliant as a steel frame.

The guy in the shop had a crashed MTB frame (A Scott Strike) that he'd cut up and showed me the tube cross sections which you could easily squeeze oval in one direction and not move at all 90 degrees around. Impressive technology!
Disgruntled Goat said:
I suspect you are either offering me out for a fight or you have some bikes for me to ride.

I'm 5'8" and thankfully I visit lLondon rarely

just a thought. I was going to offer you a ride on my bike. I think your scepticism about carbon would have dissolved into honeysweet revelation.
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