Hi All
It's good to read all these accounts and so pleased to hear that Effyb4 is back on the bike...
I had a heart attack 'out of the blue' at the age of 52 in January 2013 whilst at a spinning class. Like so many others I was already a keen week-end cyclist, never smoked, good diet etc etc, and no prior symptoms. I too went to went to cardiac rehab for several weeks and found this a very good confidence boost. I had an angiogram which showed up some narrowing of the arteries but didn't need any stents or other procedures.
It took me a while to re-gain the confidence to get on the bike again - around April May time. I was gradually getting out more often and longer distances but was held back in the summer by anxiety/depression for which I am now taking some medication.
However, I am now more positive and cycling quite regularly and can happily do 30 or so miles no problem. I am on statins, clopidogrel, aspirin, lansoprazole and a blood pressure tablet. I am aiming to take my bike abroad next Spring - good for motivation over the winter months...
Like others on this thread I would say keep going, take a long view,and gradually build up and 'listen' to your body and adjust accordingly. Best wishes and thanks to you and all for this posting