2000 miles in 31 days is actually a daily average of 65 miles per day. You achieved 40 miles per day last year so what was the schedule you used to achieve this?I'm want to bike 2000 Miles in 31 days. Last year I did 40miles a day for two months. I bike year round weather permitting. So does this even seem possible? I work a job that is physically and mentally tiering. I remember those two months I was just tired at work. But once I got on my bike nothing was going to stop me.
I'm looking for diet and supplement advice.
I'd like to hear some of your diet and supplement intake. Or point me to the right forum pages
Was this a mixture of a daily commute plus weekend rides?
So to squeeze an extra 25 miles per day what is your daily plan? Where/when will the extra milage be done?