John the Monkey
Frivolous Cyclist
- Location
- Crewe
Bigtallfatbloke said:The arm warmers could be white (=high vis and Cool). They would have a black band around the wrist and again around the top which would be elasticated. On the for arm outer there would be a Black 2" strip running from the wrists up to the elbows. On this band would be the cycle chat logo running along the forearm from the elbow down to the wrist. The word 'cycle' could be reversed and be in white on the black back ground but the 'chat' and the underscore line should remain orange (on black it would look cool). The 'friendly place for everyone...' would also be reversed in white on black.
I think the over shoes should be black with a white band down the sides which would have the cycle chat logo emblazened on them.
I don't mind having a bash at doing the design for these along the lines suggested by BTFB - are there design templates anywhere Will, or should I just ask Endura?