A wee bit late to this thread. I was going to post a new thread with a rant about soaps but found this through the search facility. So to the point, what have Wrights done to their coal tar soap? Used to be my favourite soap, but now it smells horrible. Is it my sense of smell changing or have they really messed with it?
Pears - I know I live in a soft water area but I still expect more than 4 showers out of one bar of your over-priced soap!
My soap of choice now is Tesco own brand lemon soap. Reasonably priced, smells ok, and lasts.
I also use Dettol soap, Simple, and Palmolive as and when I fancy a change. But no more Wrights coal tar (at the same time as they messed with the recipe they also imposed P taking price increases - although they are far from alone in doing that). No more Pears either, which saddens me a little as I once knew Miss Pears 1978. Kirsty Leighton, who was about 5 or 6 years old at the time. Her father Robin Leighton (later he was joint founder of Wylam brewery near Newcastle) was a Chief Officer in P&O General Cargo division and I sailed with him when I was a first trip deck cadet. His wife and 2 daughters (Kirsty and Fiona) came along for the trip as it was a good run (Gulf/Japan and many places in between).