I was lucky enough to get my bike back a year or more after it was stolen. I was walking through town when I saw it locked in a bike rack so I rang the police. While I sat and waited a guy turned up and started to unlock my bike so I aproached him and told him the situation. He could not have been better about it. He was not the theif but had bought the bike in good faith from Cash Generator, a modern day exploitative pawn shop. As it so happened by a further strange quirk of fate he had with him the reciept from them. (He had paid £60 so I imagine the shop paid £20 for my fairly new bike that cost £200.)
At this point I realised that he could have just kept his mouth shut and said tough luck and just kept the bike. It would have been my word against his but he was a thoroughly decent chap and I told him details about it that were so precise that he was in no doubt that I was telling the truth. A policeman duly turned up and all three of us went down the road about 100 yards to the very shop where he'd bought the bike. As I said, he had the reciept and I had a detailed description of my bike logged with the police so the manager of the shop had little option but to return the man his money and I had my bike back. Even so the manager of the shop was extremely slimy and had already begun to insinuate that if I didn't have proof then although he could tell that I was an honest chap that he wouldn't be able to take my word for it. Likr I said though he had little choice in the face of everything.
Aparently they do take a picture of anybody selling them stuff and so the police were able to arrest the theif. However tey were only prepared to prosecute him for handling stolen goods and not the theft itself because they said that the CPS would not be able to make that charge stick due to lack of evidence.
My bike must have been stolen, sold on and then sold on again in the space of a couple of hours. No doubt the police will take credit for solving the case when it comes to publishing their figures but I suppose the important thing is that I got my bke back which was great because I really liked it and I didn't much like what I had replaced it with.
I advise anyone who has a bike stolen to immediately check out all of the cashe generator type shops,pawn shops and second hand shops. Do it yourself and do it straight away. You never know you might get lucky.