Cycle Safety & Defense

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I don’t have a problem on these urban paths



I completely get what everyone's saying and appreciate the input around the legalities of the Amazon "pepper" spray. Like people have said, there's no way of knowing what you'd do in any given situation, and in reality I'd probably just angrily/sullenly let the buggers get away without putting myself at too much risk.

In general these e-scramblers are a dirge in the wrong hands since they're so mobile and that the police can't really do too much about them.
I generally avoid certain darker and more deserted paths once it gets towards dark

just too isolated - and there is a "black path" that is handy to get to the nearest shops - but it goes under an old railway bridge and I just avoid it in the dark - I have seen a few dodgy looking people hanging about under it
maybe just teenagers waiting for their friends - but maybe not and you can;t tell as they all wear the same - or look like it in the shadows!!


Kilometre nibbler
I have heard tell of bike jackings for expensive road bikes near where I live. I haven't actually done much about it though. I'm kind of hoping that they can distinguish me: old bloke on old bike, complete with rack and flappy clothing from lycra clad whippet on zillion pound race bike. Push came to shove they could have the bike. Give me an excuse to get a new one.

TbH you hear one story of this happening maybe once a year. It's not exactly an epidemic. I'm more worried about close passes and drivers who aren't targeting me in the least - in fact they haven't even noticed me.
Carrying any spray or blunt object for the purpose of self defense is against the law. Carrying bike lube spray and a steel shackle lock is perfectly legal whilst riding a bicycle.


The youth of today...

Suffragette cycle sabre.jpeg


Über Member
Bristol, UK
I used to ride the B2B path a couple of times per month but haven't since the end of August when the current spate to thefts/hijacks/whatever started. Personally, being attacked doesn't frighten me and I'm pretty sure I know how I would react but that doesn't mean I want to encourage it to happen.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
I used to ride the B2B path a couple of times per month but haven't since the end of August when the current spate to thefts/hijacks/whatever started. Personally, being attacked doesn't frighten me and I'm pretty sure I know how I would react but that doesn't mean I want to encourage it to happen.
I respect your prudence, of course - but simply being somewhere should never be interpreted as encouraging anyone to do anything.


Legendary Member
We've ridden it at midnight a couple of times and not seen anyone else. I wouldn't do it alone at night.


I used to ride the B2B path a couple of times per month but haven't since the end of August when the current spate to thefts/hijacks/whatever started. Personally, being attacked doesn't frighten me and I'm pretty sure I know how I would react but that doesn't mean I want to encourage it to happen.

Yeah, I'm 6'4" and over weight so there's quite a lot of mass in motion. I've been assaulted (many moons ago in Southampton), so have an idea what may happen if it happened again. Part of my issue is that I use the B2B as a means of doing a longer ride home, so a stubborn part of me doesn't want to give that up :sad:


Über Member
Seems part of being bike safe on the roads and paths, you need to know the art of 'Ecky thump', even more reason to have a good solid frame fit pump, rather than these silly multiple *ank action minipumps.
I have one on my road bike and pub bike,, so far not needed to use it in self defence, but it isn't on the bike only to maintain tyre pressures.
I think the first rule ,is to know yourself , and not get too familiar with ne'er do wells.


Kilometre nibbler
I was thinking of taking up bike jacking myself. Should I join a gang or do you think that a more informal bike jacking group would be suitable?
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