Cycle lanes around parking bays!

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But apparently there is space, just not enough for everyone to be 100% safe.
They're between a rock and a hard place (the local authorities). People always cycled in the road, at least they've some sort of seperation now.
Perfect ?, does create another problem we're all very aware of, the close pass, the cars in his lane, the bikes in his, there's only a white line between them, but its a white line cars dont generally cross if youre next to least you gain that much.
I say this only with local experience...ive cycled that section of Oundle Road thousands of times, before and after the introduction of the do not generally cross that line if your'e beside them, they come close, but you've got roughly a metre to play with to the kerb. Things are certainly not worse since they introduced the lanes. I believe they are better. I'm not aware of a single cyclist being knocked off while in those lanes in my 10 years of cycling in that particular area. The parking bays on the nearside...ive had one driver open his door in those 10 years, close but because i was concentrating, it was dealt with instantly.

Don't get me wrong, i'd like a safer option, but if i can't think of one and the local authorites can't find one...i'll take the one they've given me with some sort of thanks.

As said, i'm a realist. If there was a better option, i'd be shouting for it...but there isnt, so a romantic idea of cycling utopia is futile and a waste of energy.

As the government say if it can't be built to the standard width don't build it. Its just a pity that the government has only started to realise this in the last few years. Have a wee look at thing like LTN 2/08 (DfT), Cycling by Design (Transport Scotland) and the national government guidelines on bikeability, Cyclecraft. Maybe in your opinion thing aren't worse but as you note previously a lot of other people think otherwise.


Skimming over the document (thanks for the link, its interesting to read and i will go over it in more detail)
I'm going to (and i think so far have) restrict myself to my area, one i know...the recommendations are 1.5 mtrs minimum for 30mph roads, thats about what that lane in Oundle road is...i'll measure it one day, even if people think i'm mad :biggrin:
It also states where there are multiple junctions (which there are), the road is the best option, less chance of conflict...that seems right for Oundle road. Less conflict on the road ? i assume the alternative is if you were on the path, you'd then be in the periferal vision of drivers, therefor at more risk.

Is there enough room for shared ped/cycle, not on the path next to the road, either side, so theyve made the right decision there.

Is there the option for off road cyclepaths...yes, and they've provided a parallel signed cycleroute from Rivergate to Orton Staunch (and further)

Onstreet parking bays ?, it states that bays should be alternating on each side of the road to create carriageway alignment that will reduce traffic speed....if i read that right, they've done that. Does it really reduce traffic speed, hmmm, not that much, drivers don;t really have to ease off to make that manoever.

So it appears my local authorities have taken most if not all of the factors into consideration in my area. Perhaps others experiences are not as good for good reason. Perhaps other local authorities havn't done such a thorough job...if thats the case, cyclists are right to feel aggrieved, but i don't really feel thats the case here.

Its interesting that i felt there was an improvement before i read the document to confirm they've (apparently) done it right. Has everyone who's complaining made sure their local authorities have adhered to recommendations...or is it a case of dismissing cyclelanes as substandard because of some utopian idea of what people think they should be like, irrespective of whether it's an even remote possibility.

Don't take that as inflammatory, it's not meant to be, just life experience has shown me that some people are prone to have a romantic view of how life should be, as said, irrespective of whether that romantic view is remotely possible.
Excuse the saying, you can't sh1t miracles...i don't think local authorities can either, there's only so much road, so much space available, they can only make the best of what they have.

Not aimed at you HLaB, but cyclists in general, look at your local area. If you can think of a better option or find one, then you have the right to complain.
Cool :becool: I think the new standards are a lot better than they have been, not perfect, but better. They realise when there is insufficient width lanes can be more trouble than they are worth. The other realisation they've come to which is good IMO, as you say on road is better if something is being provided, there is more conflict and also the cyclist and driver get to use to their own closed environment and don't interact properly when those conflicts arise.
It is a hard balance to draw sometimes but the preferred option officially isn't enough room, don't provide and look at reducing or controlling the traffic flow otherwise; I think most folk are complaining about where they have been provided substandandard and where councils haven't done the job properly (there are numerous examples of bad practice, some of which are quite funny :biggrin: if you don't have to deal with them :rolleyes: ) Fortunately in my area, more and more they are taking that option of not providing and calming.
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