Noted!Can I just interrupt here to say that I'd like to comment on your comment on a comment?![]()
Noted!Can I just interrupt here to say that I'd like to comment on your comment on a comment?![]()
What, if I fail to comment on a comment that was made to comment about my comment?
1855107 said:I had a bee get stuck in my helmet and sting my head once. That
A) Hurt and
B) Definitely would not have happened had I not been wearing the helmet.
I believe that with this conclusive evidence we can put all such discussions to bed. I expect everyone to thank me in due course.
Do I get a choice about that?![]()
I fear the absence of a helmet may not offer the protection you crave. I thank you for your contribution, but I disagree.
I was once hit by a wasp between the eyes. I stung me and one eye was closed by the time I arrived at work, about 5 miles later.
We kept bees in those days and I'd been stung severally every spring and summer throughout childhood. This was my worst reaction ever to a sting. I splatted the malefactor against my eyebrow. His version of the event will never be written.
I don't want to stir up a hornets' nest here, but it would never have happened if I'd been wearing a helmet.
Yeah! You can be whatever you like but I'm pro choice!
But you are not giving me any choice about whether you are pro-choice or not. Hardly the actions of someone who is declaredly pro-choice![]()
You seem to have a bit of a bee in your bonnet.![]()
1855197 said:Too late, the subject is settled