If you stub your toe getting out of the bath, it hurts. If you stub your toe whilst wearing shoes, it hurts less, if at all...Simple!
Almost Melon time, but not quite yet!
If you stub your toe getting out of the bath, it hurts. If you stub your toe whilst wearing shoes, it hurts less, if at all...Simple!
There have been some really dumb comments on here. If you want to wear a helmet, wear one. If not, don't. If you don't and you are willing, in the event of a fall or accident, to cut your head open and graze your dumb f*cking Neanderthal-like head/face, then the best of luck to you in your efforts.
Regarding opinion polls and tests for and against the effects of wearing a helmet, you can't believe EVERYTHING that you read or hear...
A blast from the past: "Assistant deputy coroner Martin Gotheridge said the cause of death was a severe head-injury caused by Mr Ross not wearing a helmet."
More here: http://www.cyclebanter.com/archive/index.php/t-133054.html
There have been some really dumb comments on here. If you want to wear a helmet, wear one. If not, don't. If you don't and you are willing, in the event of a fall or accident, to cut your head open and graze your dumb f*cking Neanderthal-like head/face, then the best of luck to you in your efforts.
Pity you are reading the wrong report about a different study. I have a PDF of the right one somewhere on one of my computers and will post it if I can find it..
If it is your job I would have expected you to at least have checked that you were commenting on the right study and not a different study
Is that not a really childish statement? We have read different papers. It took BenB and me to establish there were two papers. Had you not read the other one and hence did not spot the issue either?And to answer your earlier question yes I have read the paper and you clearly haven't. But here, have this cloth to wipe the egg off your face.
Helmets are compulsory in Australia and the majority of cyclists are happy to conform.
Almost Melon time, but not quite yet!
It's good to see this subject is allowed to be discussed here. I made a comment on an Australian forum about seeing a couple of cyclist's without helmets, which started a debate and the moderators put a stop to the thread. Helmets are compulsory in Australia and the majority of cyclists are happy to conform.
"To the extent that Sydney is representative of the rest of Australia, the repeal of mandatory helmet legislation would be likely to substantially increase cycling in Australia.
Helmets have been compulsory here in Australia since 1991. I don't know if cyclist numbers have fallen since the law was introduced but there are statistics that say fatalities and head injuries have not been reduced and statistics that say they have. I suppose it's all down to how you manipulate them. There are a very small number of people who still refuse to comply.
By the way User, where in north somerset do you live. I use to live in Weston-super-Mare.
'Having read all the material, I think I would fall down on your side of the ledger,I frankly don't think there is anything advantageous and there may well be a disadvantage in situations to have a helmet - and it seems to me that it's one of those areas where it ought to be a matter of choice.
an honestly held and not unreasonable belief as to the danger associated with the use of a helmet by cyclists''
Who wants to see my new helmet? It's a beauty![]()
FTFY. What do I think? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not personally qualified to sayA triumph of appearances over function IMO.
FTFY. What do I think? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not personally qualified to say.
My reason for wearing one is based on personal accident experience, however, I fully support anyone's right not to wear one if that is what they wish
I know better than to even attempt to convert a non-helmet wearer, (and vice versa), and as such I'm certainly not getting dragged into a helmet debate, (life's too short and I'm too busy).
If you want to wear one do, (but don't preach about it), if you don't, don't, (but don't preach about that either)![]()