Cycle helmet advice needed please

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Chris James

Über Member
yello said:
I'd disagree with that. It's my understanding that the foam has a limited lifespan, regardless of usage. Some manufacturers say 3 years.

I don't think anyone really knows. My understanding is that only the shell is affected by UV, not the foam. So keeping it in a cupboard would probably suffice.

The 3 years figure seems massively conservative.

Climbing gear has similar recommenedations for rope replacement, but as long as you keep a rope in the dark when you are not using it, real life test have shown that ropes pretty much last forever (or more accurately they only fail if previously cut or damaged rather than just being old).

In the same way, I would worry more about helmet damage (from nutting a wall??) than age.


Legendary Member
While I agree with Chris, if it was me I would probably be inclined to get a new helmet just to be on the safe side.


back and brave
Just googling around, I'll take it back. I think I might be confusing cycle helmets with motorcycle helmets. I do feel sure I've read advice from manufacturers to replace every 3 to 5 years. I suspect that's to do with their turnover then!

Chris James

Über Member
Sorry Dannyg, I agree with you too! After 9 years and presumably a bit of wear and tear then a new one wouldn't go amiss.

Newer ones seem more comfortable to wear than the older ones too.


Well-Known Member
wyno70 said:
I used to occasionally wear a helmet, on and off really. This time last year, I came off my road bike at somewhere between 20 and 25 mph, sufficient impact with the tarmac to break 2 ribs (although I didn't know it at the time). Anyway, I carried on with my ride, got home (not realising I had cracked my head on the road too), and took my helmet off.

I was shocked to find the side of the helmet, seriously scuffed and one of the 'ribs' across the top of the helmet cracked. What it would have done to my head had I not been wearing it, I don't know but I do know it would have hurt a lot more than it did!! The only reason I had it on was that it was damn cold.

Needless to say, I ALWAYS wear a helmet now. I don't preach to anyone, it's individual choice but, if I was you, I'd probably get a new one and I'd make sure I wear it!!

How many times have we heard a story like this? Always wear a helmet. Simple as.


back and brave
Funtboy said:
How many times have we heard a story like this? Always wear a helmet. Simple as.

Oh, what a wag! I know what you're trying to do but nobody will fall for it :eek: Not in 'beginners' at least.
louise said:
Thanks so much for your advice ;)

I have had a chat with my sister tonight and they are buying me a new one for Christmas, I have sent them a link to Evans Cycles and told them to get one which is Snell approved.

I don't intend to test my new one by nutting the wall!

You need to try it on and make sure it fits..... different makes are different shapes.

For instance I cannot wear MET as they are too "short" and give me a headache.


New Member
Agree with above. You definately need to try one on and find one that feels comfortable on your head. They are all different shapes/ fits and if you get one that is uncomfortable (and it will give you a headache), you won't wear it.

My advice would be to go to your nearest shop that stocks a few different makes and then tell your family which one you want.

Snell approved or not, if you get one that doesn't fit you properly, it'll be a waste of time!
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