Can someone please explain something? I've read through all this thread and seen references to Nazis and the Stasi (I don't think the Stasi were Nazis by the way, different time periods). Now here's what I do know:
1. There's some bloke up in the Midlands who provides this site free of charge to most people. He's been very courteous to me and is extremely quick to respond to queries considering I'm not paying him anything.
2. He's recruited a small team of unpaid volunteers who ensure, in their own time, that the forums tick over without anyone getting too upset etc.
This all seems to work well to me but there must be a number 3 to go on the list and that's the people who go around threatening other people with violence to ensure that they visit the forum every day. Otherwise, if you don't agree with how it's run or moderated, don't visit. Simples.
I'm not a moderator (although I do know a couple of them) and have never met Shaun but I find it depressing the amount of moaning that goes on about how they operate by people who don't actually need to visit the site.
Right that's got that off my chest.
WELL SAID, that Man !
When I feel like that, I hang about in "Know How" and what was "Beginnners". A bit of helping people works wonders for the jaded poster.
Part of my somewhat obtusely expressed gripe with this thread of Col's is the spread of the arguments & score settling in other forums into Café, although evidently I'm in a minority in feeling that.
FWIW, any forum can be blocked in the current version of the forum software - if Commuting's really getting you down, just add it to the list for a bit.
Totally agree.