Cube Attain GTC Race vs Cube Agree C:62 Pro

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New Member
Hi all, newbie looking to get into road cycling. I have my eye on a couple of Cube options, but cannot make up my mind and I hope you can help! Planning to do weekend rides with friends in the Surrey Hills, looking for something light, fast and relatively comfortable; I have only ever ridden Hybrids up until now. I've had a few Cubes and like the quality / value they narrowed my choice down to two?

Option 1: Attain GTC Race. Carbon, Shimano 105, 9.3KG. Seems to be Cubes Endurance option.
Option 2: Agree C62 Pro. Carbon, SRAM Rival AXS, 8.9KG. Think this is towards the racey end of Endurance?

It's very easy to get carried away so wanted to get a second opinion! If I get into it, will I regret going 1 than 2? I don't mind paying a bit more if the experience is going to be drmatically better with the electornic shifting... any advantage appreciated.


Legendary Member
Go try them for yourself :smile:


Legendary Member
I've got a Cube Attain....the top one of your two.Had it about 4/5 years bought it second hand and use it as my winter,everyday bike.One thing to consider is it takes mudguards.Cubes own,think there called cubeguard or something.Nice bike and can't really fault it.
I'm guessing there's a fair difference in price between those two bikes ?
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Grimpeur des terrains plats
I've got a Cube Attain....the top one of your two.Had it about 4/5 years bought it second hand and use it as my winter,everyday bike.One thing to consider is it takes mudguards.Cubes own,think there called cubeguard or something.Nice bike and can't really fault it.
I'm guessing there's a fair difference in price between those two bikes ?

Checking the specs looks like only the Attain can take mudguards - which for me if wanting to use all year would be the decision maker


I don't have either bike....

But I do have a average carbon bike Cannondale see my avatar simalar to the first bike and a high modulus focus izalco race bike.

Tbh the Cannondale gets used most, ok it's not as fast but it's more comfortable and dosent care about the weather, and takes the abuse.

One thing I would say is I wouldn't have a white carbon bike's dirty before you've left the drive and it's very thick/heavy.

footloose crow

Cornwall. UK
I have an aluminium Cube Attain and hired the Attain GTC (carbon) in Sardinia for a week last month. The Attain is a comfortable bike with fairly upright geometry but it is capable of keeping up with club riders and tackling significant hills. There are lighter bikes and faster bikes but for a first bike you can't go wrong with it. It is a good choice for a first road bike. With the full Cube mudguards (which are OK but not brilliant) max tyre size is 28mm but without the guards you can get a 30mm tyre in - makes the bike even more comfortable. I have done over 5000 miles on mine on roads, gravel tracks and broken lanes and it hasn't let me down. I was at or near the front of the group in Sardinia despite not being the fittest - it kept up with Canyons, Treks, Specialised and Cannondale bikes costing far more and ostensibly lighter and faster. The carbon version is definitely faster than the aluminium version. It felt lighter than 9kg too?

105 is a good choice if you are doing winter miles as the parts are cheaper. It is (again) a solid choice of gear set. Reliable and works.

I haven't ridden an Agree, apart from a few rides on my wife's which is too small for me. It is going to feel longer and lower and a bit more sensitive to ride looking at the geometry charts. So yes you are right, more of a race bike than the Attain.

Everyone has an opinion on electronic group sets. My brief experience on various friends' bikes with Shimano Di2 is that it is easier and less tiring on long rides, especially if you are constantly changing gear and that the gear change is smooth and crisp. You have to be aware of battery levels but you need to do that with any electronic parts like GPS, lights and mobiles anyway. Is it worth the extra cash? Only you can decide. You may want to put the extra cash to getting better wheels for the Attain instead - or just save it for the next bike in a few years time.

You won't go far wrong with either bike. It is a shame you can't test them, although I have to ride a bike for a day before I can tell how I feel about it! In your position (and I was in the same position moving from a Cube hybrid to a road bike) I have not regretted buying the Attain and still ride it most weeks despite having a 'nicer' bike now as well.

Similar bikes you may want to look at: Giant Defy, Cannondale Synapse, Ribble Endurance, Canyon Endurace.


South Wales
I have the 2021 version of the Attain GTC race (yellow & black colouring), bought in August last year, and I love it.

I've done just over 5,000 miles on it so far, pretty well all riding solo, with a good mix of hills (but very little seriously long/hard), averaging somewhere in the region of 16mph. The frame & forks also survived a major crash I had in March with no apparent damage (and I've done 2,000 miles since), so seems to be robust.

Adverts all say it can take mudguards, but don't specify that the mudguards can only be the ones specifically made for the Cube Attain range. I bought a set of those, and keep them on it all year round.

If you are really into racing, the Agree might be better, but I've never tried that, so can't comment on how it feels.


South Wales
I've got a Cube Attain....the top one of your two.Had it about 4/5 years bought it second hand and use it as my winter,everyday bike.One thing to consider is it takes mudguards.Cubes own,think there called cubeguard or something.Nice bike and can't really fault it.
I'm guessing there's a fair difference in price between those two bikes ?

Indeed. About £1000 difference (the Agree being more).


South Wales
It's very easy to get carried away so wanted to get a second opinion! If I get into it, will I regret going 1 than 2? I don't mind paying a bit more if the experience is going to be drmatically better with the electornic shifting... any advantage appreciated.

It isn't a "bit" more though, is it? The Agree is half as much again as the Attain.


Early Retirement Planning
I had the GTC originally (stolen) then got the GTC SL (Ultegra) as a replacement. Loved both of them. I think the C62 is a bit more racey as you suggest, depends what you want it for. Before my accident, I could average 16-17mph on both, so although they're classed as endurance, they're more a relaxed racer. Re mudguards, I fitted the SKS Raceblade XL on mine with no issues at all.


Legendary Member
The Attain will be more than enough for a first road bike I would of thought.Heres mine,still like it after 4/5 years.There 25 tyres although used it a couple of years with 28.

I really wouldn't be dropping £2k+ on a bike if I was just getting into road cycling.

I'd pick up a used giant defy - see how you like it - whilst you are riding it , you can get to understand geometry, gearing, tyres, bike handling, bike comfort.

You will then have a much more idea what you are looking for ....and can make a more informed decision on a big spend bike.
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