Well I commuted Monday and Tuesday on the bike, and I'm very happy. The weather on Monday was really awful, so bad that I left the house and thought of turning back a mile in. But I told myself if I could commute in that then I can commute in anything and cracked on.
I found that I used mostly eco mode on the way, with some tour mode thrown in on the hillier parts. On the way home I used mostly tour, with some turbo mode for the nightmare hill at the end of the journey.
I had thought about seeing how far I could stretch the battery on a single charge. Then thought sod it, as its a replacement for the car as commuter transport, and not for exercise then I'd be as comfortable as I could be and make the journey as easy as possible. It also made it way more fun
. I rode 40 miles using 4 of the 5 bars of battery. I'm pleased with that considering how much assist I used
I was right about the mudguard needing fettling, but ignored myself and ended up having to remove the front stays mid ride.
The seatpost rack is coming off and will be replaced with a seatpost bag. Also finding the stock seat uncomfortable, bit will give it a bit longer before I swap. The lowest 2 gears started skipping on second ride so also need fettling. I don't use them so not too much bother to fix asap, I'll get the lbs to sort them when they upgrade my tyres.
Here's the bike looking very 'used' after only two journeys. She'll get a clean tomorrow