Cream Crackered!!!

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St Helens
I've just been out for my first bike ride for over 6 years(if you can call it a bike ride) My OH has got a folding bike that he bought from a mate a couple of years ago & only used once so I thought I would have a go on that seeing as i've not got one of my own now. I wanted to just get some confidence back. :blush:
Anyway I put the dog on his lead & walked up to the park with him as I didnt know how he would react to the bike. Let him off when we got there - jumped on the bike & off I went. I thought the park was quite flat when I walk it - found out its not on a bike:ohmy: I was only cycling about 15 minutes & talk about Jelly legs & Granny gears :ohmy: I am a Granny so thats ok (62).
The dog enjoyed it running around at the side of me - well walking really I was going that slow ^_^. I enjoyed it though. I cycled home with the dog on his lead & he didnt pretend he was a Husky so I was pleasantly surprised. I must look around for a bike of my own now Those small wheel folding bikes only let you go a short way in a long time!!
A bit of a pointless thread really but I just wanted to tell someone that I've been out & done it^_^:cycle:


Not pointless at all. Well done for getting out and giving it a go. Be warned though that cycling is addictive, as is the accumulation of bikes! Give it a few weeks and you will be fitter as will your dog. Two for the price of one. Bargain!


Legendary Member
Well done you. Just getting into cycling myself a bit more now. I have only been going out maybe three or four times a week for the last couple of weeks but it seems to be getting slightly easier already. Maybe if you get yourself a nice hybrid with a set of mudguards you will carry on getting out even when the weather isn't so nice.

I used to be very much a fair weather cyclist so never kept it up with enough consistency to get any fitter...........blame the lovely Scottish weather ^_^

Got a nice second hand Dawes Discovery hybrid and have stuck mudguards and lights on so really no excuse not to get out and at least do a few miles now. Managed about 13 this morning. Lots of puddles on the road from yesterday's heavy rain but the mudguards certainly keep the worst of the splashes off.

Good luck and hope you keep it up.


Girl from the North Country
I think some people ride quite big distances on folders so don't let that put you off. And you can easily pop it in the car, on the bus or train if you fancy cycling somewhere different.

Well done on your first ride anyway.


St Helens
Thanks for all the encouragement. I used to have a MTB about 20 years ago that I loved riding. Never went very far or very fast - just pootled along locally but I did enjoy it. We got the dog about 6 years ago & I never seemed to have the time or energy to take the dog out & go cycling so OH gave the bike away:sad: Plus when the dog was young I did try it with him on the lead but he pulled so much I didnt need to peddle :laugh:. Hubby sees danger everywhere though & is trying to put me off getting a bike - saying there is nowhere safe to cycle round here- the roads are too dangerous - every car driver is a lunatic ect. So my first hurdle is convincing him:angry: Even though I usually only go on pavements (when there are no people on them) where the roads are busy or cycle to somewhere quiet I'm not confident enough to cycle on busy main roads anyway. I've always got off to go round roundabouts & crossed the roads , same with turning right. Anywhere I see danger I get off & walk.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Aren't you old enough to make your own decisions on cycling? ;)

Good on you for getting out. 62 is a good age to get riding. I guess you have a retirement coming up that you would love to enjoy by doing stuff rather than watching daytime telly. So what better way to keep that fitness than cycling. You'll find that riding gets easy very quickly to start with. Before long that ride will be just a warm-up.

There are some special cycling dog leads (IIRC) that are designed to detach in the event of one or the other of you going another direction very quickly. Might be an idea to invest in one of those?


Well-Known Member
Well done, and jelly legs are fine if embarrassing. Yes I think bigger wheels are much easier to manouevre, there are lots of hybrids and things around these days. Try to choose a gear so that it's easy to turn the pedals, you will go faster with less effort that way and its much easier on the knees. Your confidence will grow as you get used to it, and have fun.
62 was the year I was born but ts stll just a number.
Regardless of how fast or not, how many miles or not, as long as you are enjoying it, sod em all :smile:

Welcome aboard LBP


Well-Known Member
I had a friend up to stay a month back and he's just given up competitive cycling at about 72. Probably a good thing otherwise i'd never have kept up with him. It was really great to go out with someone as I usually cycle on my own (haven't got up the courage to join a club yet) and we did two 60 mile rides: 10 months ago I couldn't cycle more than 8 miles and had to lie on the floor for 20 minutes when I got home


World class procrastinator
Well done on your bike ride LBP. Keep up the good work.
We used to walk our Jack Russell from a bike (on the very nearby cycle path) and she loved it. She could run like anything and we could keep up. We don't have a close enough cycle path to do that on now.

I can't remember how many times I have been 'advised' not to cycle due to elf 'n' safety by so called experts who have never been on a bike in their lives. I blatantly disobeyed my ex husband by cycling, running & swimming. I decided that I was old enough to make my own decisions.

I am sure that your jelly legs will disappear once you have ridden again a few more times. 15 minutes is an excellent start. I hope that you carry on. Welcome to the forums btw.:hello:


St Helens
Thanks all for the welcome & encouragement. I did wonder if 62 was a bit too old to start & feel a bit self conscious wondering if other peeps see me & think - Look at that old woman on a bike What does she think she is LOL. But if I carry on I suppose I will have the last laugh by being fitter than them:smile: I am going to try & go out quite often even if its only a quick go round the park for now. Next time I might try for twice round.^_^


Well-Known Member
Well, earlier today, as I took my maiden voyage on the new bike I was wondering if 36 was too old.

I'm sure it was never that hard (or that fast :eek: ) when I was a kid.

Anyway, like you. I survived and am sure things will improve with practise.

I do have one question though: How come, as I live near the top of a hill, every direction I took on a loop from home and back had a definite upward gradient? :wacko:


St Helens
'I do have one question though: How come, as I live near the top of a hill, every direction I took on a loop from home and back had a definite upward gradient? :wacko:

My daughter says the same. She lives at the top of a very steep hill & last week tried to find a route to work which didnt have a steep hill on it. She failed^_^
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