Thanks for all of your replies, all mostly positive

, few things to pick up. Someone said as we get older and have issues being near your children is important, ive seen the flip side to this, ive seen the person having to go round their elderly parents at least twice a day and be on call 24/7 and there us no way i would want to tie my kids to this.
Since i met my now wife 4 years ago we have been on some amazing holidays, Dubai, Vegas, married on a private island in the Seychelles, cruise to see the northern lights, to name a few, but cant keep spending 1000's however nice they are. So with my wife having never been blessed to have children and her being such a caring step mum to my grown up boys, we decided on our plan, but with a new puppy in tow as well. Its so fantastic to see her with something that depends on her and that she can shower with love and affection after wanting one all her life.
And we will be coming back quite regularly as we are keeping our season tickets on at the mighty LCFC , we are also buying property with plenty of space for the loads of friends that have so far booked to come and see us.
I will miss my elderly parents as my wife will miss her mum, but it is only about 2 1/2 hours drive so not the end of the world ( although judging by some of the comments on here Norfolk is

My lads are grown up forging their own lives so are not so relient on me, and when we do move and money is a bit more scarce they poss wont want to know me as much