300km a week through London on a road bike.
Very sorry to hear of your off, they're not nice. As others have said, it could be any number of things, so try not to fret about it too much, think of all the miles you did without incident.Hi,
I'm a fairly new road cyclist, only been cycling about 12 months during which I've only covered around 500 miles....
10th of Jan this year saw my first off for a number of years. I was on my way home from work on my usual commuting route when all of a sudden the front went, I knew I was headed toward the kerb and I knew I was going down by the angle of the bike, it was unrecoverable, so I went with it. I came down on the pavement and lost a good bit of skin off my leg and elbow, its taken until now to heal.
Now, I have been riding this road regularly for about 18 years, I know it like the back of my hand, all the bumps, all the ruts, all the potholes, everything. Every time since I've been past there in the car, I've had a good look to see what made me lose control, and more recently, I've looked when on the bike. Nothing, I have no idea why it happened.
So the point to all this is, as others have said, sometimes it just happens for a reason that you'll never find - thankfully, its very rare. Maybe that's your first and last in your whole cycling life (I hope so).
Get well soon