Crappiest bit of Cycling Tat You've ever wasted your money on?

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New Member
Halfords bottle holder (in desperation) for, er, 7 quid.

One of those ones that snags every bit of clothing you can imagine and sometimes innocent bystanders.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
John the Monkey said:
Any £5 mini pump. An absolute waste of time if your tyres run at more than 20 psi.

Strange. I've been using a dirt cheap unbranded mini pump for about ten years as my only pump. It still works well and pumps tyres up to well over 100 psi.
Rhythm Thief said:
Strange. I've been using a dirt cheap unbranded mini pump for about ten years as my only pump. It still works well and pumps tyres up to well over 100 psi.
Yeah, but I bet your spinach bill is huge...;)
Seriously, with mini-pumps it's down to technique. I always try to prop the wheel against something and brace the end of the pump against it too. Then, when the going gets tough, brace pumping elbow against thigh and sort of pump with your entire body (missus). It works.

Worst rubbish that I've ever paid for was Purple Extreme lube. I'd have done better to wee on the chain before each ride. :blush:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
rickangus said:
Another vote for the Minoura Spacegrip thingy. What a load of old tosh. At least itwas only £10

Shame, it's quite useful, mine holds a 3 led cateye flasher, my cycle-computer and my HRM...but...I've had to brace-it with a few tie-wraps!


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
rickangus said:
Another vote for the Minoura Spacegrip thingy. What a load of old tosh. At least itwas only £10

And another vote. What a useless, badly designed piece of **** The metal holding strap made out of kitchen foil is useless and mine is currently lurking somewhere in the back of my shed where I threw it in a fit of anger :biggrin:

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
My Minoura space grip is fine, nice solid mounting and my LEDs shine over my bar bag. The only problem I have with it is it looks so stupid when I go out without a bar bag.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
More useless tat, not strictly cycling related ... my Porelle Dry "Waterproof" socks. Like wearing plastic bags, and not at all waterproof after a few (hand) washes. Fifty quid well spent, I don't bloody think.
Another vote for Crank Brothers Speed Lever.

When I first couldn't get it to work, I put it down to technique. Finally gave up and binned it third time of using after realising I could have changed the tube twice in the time I'd been messing around with it.

While we're at it, the last lot of (nylon?) tyre levers I bought from my LBS were absolutely pants. I know they're suppose to give a little, but the things bent like bananas when I was trying to get Gators back on my commuting bike.


back and brave
rickangus said:
Another vote for the Minoura Spacegrip thingy.

And another. I stripped the bolt trying to tighten the metal holding strip. As it was, I couldn't have put anything on the space grip without it swivelling downwards.

I have the speed lever thingy but, to be honest, haven't actually used it yet. Tyre levers just seem so easy anyway.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Rhythm Thief said:
Strange. I've been using a dirt cheap unbranded mini pump for about ten years as my only pump. It still works well and pumps tyres up to well over 100 psi.

I've used an Edinburgh Bike Co-Op one, and a YPK one - I'd trust them to put enough air in to get me home, and that's it. The Topeak Road Morph, on the other hand, does the job superbly.


Legendary Member
John the Monkey said:
Any £5 mini pump. An absolute waste of time if your tyres run at more than 20 psi.
I once bought a cheap "no brand" mini-pump. I didn't expect it to inflate my tyres to 100 psi, but I was rather put out when the shaft snapped in two when I was 20 miles from home.

As my dad used to say "if you buy cheap you get cheap".
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