Crap pumps, or crap pumper?

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Über Member
I have three bicycle pumps:

1. Old school tube pump inherited with my Dad's BSO.
2. Cheap modern mini pump bought on a whim.
3. Possibly cheap track pump christmas present from sister.

None of which appears to be capable of pumping a tyre up to full capacity. What?

1, despite buying a new cable tube thing for it makes a thin whistling sound from the body when attached and just seems to do nothing after pumping about the tyre to about half capacity. Also, detaching it tends to result in half the air you have pumped in being blasted out. 2 just seems to do nothing. 3 flat out refuses to pump anything past 30 psi (according to it's meter) - the pump just won't go down, and letting go it floats back up.

Have I just got crap pumps, or might I be doing something wrong?


What sort of valves do you have?

On #2 and #3, are you pushing the tube on far enough? I say this because I spent a frustrating couple of minutes not realising why I couldn't get my track pump to work, until I realised that I'd only pushed it on about 1/2 as far as I should have done. Works lovely now. ;)


New Member
West Midlands
Jezston said:
I have three bicycle pumps:

1. Old school tube pump inherited with my Dad's BSO.
2. Cheap modern mini pump bought on a whim.
3. Possibly cheap track pump christmas present from sister.

None of which appears to be capable of pumping a tyre up to full capacity. What?

1, despite buying a new cable tube thing for it makes a thin whistling sound from the body when attached and just seems to do nothing after pumping about the tyre to about half capacity. Also, detaching it tends to result in half the air you have pumped in being blasted out. 2 just seems to do nothing. 3 flat out refuses to pump anything past 30 psi (according to it's meter) - the pump just won't go down, and letting go it floats back up.

Have I just got crap pumps, or might I be doing something wrong?

Re: #2 & 3

Sounds like you haven't pushed the connector far enough onto the valve? I get the same symptom when not connected properly.

I have 2 x track pumps, both cheapies from Lidl at about a fiver each and they've both worked perfectly well over the last 12 months, certainly up to 70 psi which is my max pressure; I can't imagine yours will be any worse than a Lidl one. So try holding the connector well onto the valve whilst operating the locking lever.


Über Member
Norm: both Schrader and Presta gave the same problem. Same PSI 'cap' on the track pump.

Have been ramming the pump down on the valve as hard as possible to get it all in (matron), but no joy.

Just spent £20 on a Topeak Mini DXG (minipump with built in gauge) from an LBS which I'll have a go at lunchtime with. They said I could get a refund if I still had no luck, but I'll probably keep it anyway.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
IME, cheap pumps are living proof of the old adage "buy cheap, buy twice".

Pumps that work;

1) Specialiazed Air Tool Road (Presta Only) £12 - no guage, but measuring afterwards shows that the pump achieves 120psi in 23mm tyres without too much effort.

2) Topeak Road Morph G - UK RRP £29, got mine for £22 (Presta/Schrader, by swapping the valve head innards) - guage accurate when compared to trackpump, acheives 120 psi. Track pump like design (fold out footpad, folding t-type handle) allows a lot of air to be put in.

(both the above are bike portable pumps)

3) SKS RennKompressor unsure of UK RRP - mine was £36 (Presta/Schrader, main part of head handles Schrader, adaptor inserted for Presta valves). Tank like build quality, (mostly) readily available spares, high pressures easily acheived.

4) Aldi Trackpump £5 (Presta/Schader by using different holes in the head) - a possible exception to the rule. Maxes out at 95psi (but can achieve that reliably & guage appears accurate). Kept at work as an emergency pump.


Über Member

New pump just doesn't seem to want to attach properly. Some of the thread of the (schrader) valve is still visible with the pump on as far as I can - if I push it hard, it just pushes the valve into the wheel. Can't get any further.

Going to have a chat with other cyclists at work. Don't think I'll be able to take this one back as I had to destroy the packaging to get at it!


New Member
Leigh on Sea
Jezston said:

New pump just doesn't seem to want to attach properly. Some of the thread of the (schrader) valve is still visible with the pump on as far as I can - if I push it hard, it just pushes the valve into the wheel. Can't get any further.

Going to have a chat with other cyclists at work. Don't think I'll be able to take this one back as I had to destroy the packaging to get at it!

I dont want to upset you or anything, however this does sound like operator error, 4 pumps not working correctly!! is there someone else you can ask for help, that may overcome the problem.
Hope you get sorted


Purveyor of fine nonsense
I'm with JtM on this one; I bought a cheapo track pump from Tescos, was a bugger to use, kept getting jammed on the valve and the reading was wildly innacurate (which can be dangerous when you're pumping road tyres up to 120psi - if you over-fill them then they may explode when used!).

I gave the track pump to a friend and splashed out on a £40 Topeak track pump from chainreaction; what a difference! A joy to use and very accurate. I even use it on my motorbike because it's so accurate.


You say you just bought a new pump at a LBS - can you not take it back, with bike, and ask them to demonstrate it?


Über Member
Tried it out on two other bikes yesterday at work - no joy.

Took it into the shop on my way in this morning - tried it on two other bikes and it would only work on one tyre of one of them. Got another one off the shelf - same problem!

I would strongly advise against this particular model.

Got the meter-less version and that works fine. Finally a pump that works! 5th time lucky ;)


New Member
ive a mini pump - almost a waste of time but the arms and shoulders get a workout
old school pump £3.99 - works well but isnt a looker and has as much street cred as
george formby
track pump - cost £40 use on occasion see below V
double barrel footpump - £15 if at home this is effortless and compact but only for schrader valves for presta see above ^


New Member
Must admit I use a £15 jobbie from Tesco's, with meter, not a brilliant bit of kit but its certainly up for putting 100psi in a wheel without much grief.

Waiting to see when they're next on offer, and I'll get one to keep at work too.

I bought an Sks mini pump years ago - it never did work properly but go me home.This year I finally twigged that you have to rest the heel of the palm on the tyre and firmly hold the pump square with the valve with your fingers whilst inflating.

It's only a six inch tool(!!!) but I can now get the tyre up to track pump pressure.

So if the pump don't work I reckon it's down to technique.

It helps if you take the wheel off whilst doing this.
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