Covid... again

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Just had it again 9 days and still not 100%. This time the symptoms were bad not like the little cold people were getting a few years back. Oxygen levels even went down a few %. My HRV is starting to become more balanced. My Garmin was saying I was stressed and strained everyday from the infection. If I was elderly with other health issues I could see that been enough to make deadly complications.
My mate who works in a care home just had it again after his 6th booster.
I find people don't seem to care about Covid much any more, which is quite tricky.

I have (not fully diagnosed yet, been refered to the hopsital) heart beat and breathing problems been like this for about 18 months. Its OK/normal a lot of the time, can be days in between problems, but sometimes I am short of breath just sitting still reading or whatever.
2 of my relatives have died of Covid in the last 2 years, one from each side of my family.

Despite his friends knowing my history, the person I live with is constantly under pressure from his friend groups (mixed sex), to go out and spend hours in crowded places such as restrants and pubs, even though they know I have health issues. He is afraid he will get dropped by his friends for not fitting in and thats upsettig to me. One of them started sending him critical texts and emails saying Covid was no longer and issue and he should just ignore my health and then stopped speaking to my partner for not complying enough with social demands over this last winter.

I am very sorry for the sick people on here, but its also a comfort on some level to read that others still get covid which is not 'mild and unnoticable' and I am not just the fantasist my partners friends seem to view me as. So thanks for reporting your experiences. I hope you all feel OK by now, or very soon.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
...not like the little cold people were getting a few years back....
Most of us shake off Covid just fine. Even my 105 yr old grandmother; but it feels very wrong to suggest Covid was just a "little cold".

The lock-downs, masks and vaccines were to help those who were at serious risk; and to protect the NHS who were overwhelmed and near to collapse.
to protect the NHS who were overwhelmed
Indeed. My aunt died at home, as due to such high levels of hospital admissions she was not offered hospital help. It took her about 3 weeks of illness to die, sat in her living room unable to breath, ultimately of heart stress due to the breathing difficulties.

My dad was 'lucky' in that when ill last year, at least he got a hospital admission and some form of medical kindness, so a marginally less awful death that still took around 2 weeks of being in there. I was told by the end he looked like an egyptian mummy as he had lost so much weight in that time. Only a few months before he had been up ladders in an orchard harvesting apples.

I feel really upset when people brush off the memory of Covid as 'not as bad as it was made out at the time' or 'just a cold'. I can only presume they personnally did not know anyone who died such a drawn out horrible death, so can't grasp the horror of it.


I believe people still are dying from it in certain places but it’s not well reported as it’s not really the ‘current thing’ anymore. Respiratory virus’s are really harsh, they shouldn’t be playing around with them in labs doing gain of function research.
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