Couriers - are they all shoot?

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Banned member
South West
Have I just been unlucky or are all courier companies complete shite and full of bullshit?

From this day forward, I will ask all online sellers which couriers they use before I place the order, and I shall not order anything if they use one of the couriers on my black list. No more second chances, I'd rather pay more and shop elsewhere!


Legendary Member
Pretty much yes. I am quite a fan of collect+. Just drop stuff at newsagent


Legendary Member
I am the opposite, I run a small mail order operation as well as importing weekly from the USA and I find all the couriers I use brilliant. DHL well they just amaze me how fast they get my order from Oregon most weeks. Lincolnshire County Couriers, fantastic. Royal Mail brilliant all extremely good value for money.


Banned member
South West
I am the opposite, I run a small mail order operation as well as importing weekly from the USA and I find all the couriers I use brilliant. DHL well they just amaze me how fast they get my order from Oregon most weeks. Lincolnshire County Couriers, fantastic. Royal Mail brilliant all extremely good value for money.
well, I've not had experience of those couriers. Unfortunately, to keep costs down I guess, a lot of online cycle retailers use the shity courier companies!
I have used collect+ and been happy with that service. I've had stuff delivered from Germany via DHL and that was good too.
I'm specifically referring to Yodel, DX/nightfreight, DPD....., so I guess they are not all bad is the answer to my question.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I'm specifically referring to Yodel, DX/nightfreight, DPD....., so I guess they are not all bad is the answer to my question.

It might be you that's been blacklisted by the courier companies....

I've had exemplary service from every company that you've listed.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
The only one I have found to be good is Royal Mail. Mainly because I don't spend much time at home during the day, so couriers end up leaving calling cards. The Royal Mail leave stuff at the Post Office, 2 minutes walk away. The others all have their depots along the M8/M74 corridor, about 50 miles away, and I can't be bothered waiting at home all day for a re-delivery. So not entirely the courier companies fault, but inconvenient all the same.


Legendary Member
The only one I have found to be good is Royal Mail. Mainly because I don't spend much time at home during the day, so couriers end up leaving calling cards. The Royal Mail leave stuff at the Post Office, 2 minutes walk away. The others all have their depots along the M8/M74 corridor, about 50 miles away, and I can't be bothered waiting at home all day for a re-delivery. So not entirely the courier companies fault, but inconvenient all the same.
Just give them an alternative delivery address.
Never had any problems with any courier companies - I reckon a lot of it comes down to where you live tho; if you live in the south of England, which is densely populated by dicks then I reckon you're likely to find that the people who work for the company are dicks and provide a crap service.

The further north you move, the less dicks, the better the service; once you reach Scotland it will be a gold-plated service...
I suppose I'd better put in one of these :tongue:


I use several couriers from my work, the drivers are walking heart attacks they are so stressed out. Poorly paid and under enormous pressure under tiered (shaft the next guy) management, with everybody, top to bottom, chasing ludicrous and unachievable targets. The drivers are on a merry-go-round, moving from one company to another and finding them all the same. They are lucky I suppose, some have to acquire large loans to provide their own van as a condition of entry. It's an inhuman industry.

Royal Mail? I was going out and opened the door exactly as a postie was puttting a "Sorry you were out card" through my letter box. I walked him back to his van to retrieve my parcel. ^_^


Well-Known Member
Gtr. Manchester
DPD are the ones I personally refuse to use. Ordered a £60 jumper online, received a we tried to deliver but failed card through the door.
That day I logged onto the DPD website to check redelivery. The website said it had been successfully delivered & signed for!
I contacted DPD saying it had not been delivered & requested a copy of the signature on several occasions. Never heard a peep from them! Shocking customer service. I didn't give them a second chance.

ParcelForce were also particularly useless when I posted 2 items 24hr delivery.
One made it to its destination in 24hrs the other sat in the Post Office for a week before it got picked up by ParcelForce to be delivered. I contacted them and all they said was it's not their concern until it's picked up from the Post Office.
So the ParcelForce delivery form which is signed by the Post Office employee to say they've received your item isn't worth the paper its written on. I raised a claim for a partial refund since they up-sold me 24hr delivery and completely failed to deliver the service promised. Never heard a peep about the claim.
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