Yup developing agriculture leading to the likelihood of over population, then famine , thats a well known boom and bust cycle..
But now,
unlike the last 10,000 years, we
thankfully have far more of womankind emancipated from domestic servitude, and endless cycles of pregnancy, childbirth, and child and eldercare - we can do lots of other stuff as well, or
instead , and limit the number of kids we have ...
Once upon a time - and sadly
its still the case for many in other parts of the globe - The best, or even
only chance of long term security, of any kind of status, or even fulfilment for womankind, was via being married, becoming someones chattel and unpaid servant , and broodmare either for labour for the barons fields, canon fodder for armies, or more latterly labour for the satanic mills -
Breeding was about it really - in terms of possible options - and all that was imposed by patriachal laws and religions - Those laws that said it must be so .
Questioning those norms got you vilified / outcast / dispossed by your tribe / burnt as a witch / thrown into destitution or bodily servitude of other kinds etc ..
And once on that treadmill of child production, the most likely ways out of that endless cycle was menopause, or death.
Thankfully that's changing now - emancipation of women - more freely available contraception - equality in law - if not
quite yet in the whole of society.
Birth rates are markedly falling in most developed countries, where women have so many more life options, and fertility choices open to them.
Its also, quite telling how some of the strongest, and most persistent voices on all things environmental have been , and
still are female.
From lady Eve Balfour through Rachel Carson, Marina Silva, Jane Goodall, Vandana Shiva, and many many others, to more latterly young Greta herself -
I'm not sure if its an instinctive - Good Home (Planet) Keeping - being able to see the whole, as well as the constituent parts at the same time - recognising the need for cooperation and collaboration, rather than conflict - Borne perhaps from the days when we formed gangs to gather berries and roots
while also looking out for the kids - who knows - maybe thats just my fancy .
Anyhoo up - For centuries one whole half of the population has been effectively shut out and silenced on 'planetary, political, resource and societal management' -
But now - our voices are becoming louder - and sometimes we are even listened to, and
heard - and our ideas and solutions taken more notice of .