The doctor quote they've added seems unhelpful. It seems like it would be surprising if Gaviria is still expelling dead virus after eight months, rather than the few weeks spoken about. For comparison, some lung cells only live for about 8 days.
The quote seems very helpful to me, quite comprehensive in fact (although it does highlight some remaining unknowns):
In May, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead on the COVID-19 outbreak,
appearing on BBC’s The Andrew Marr Show(link is external), said that someone testing positive twice for coronavirus would not necessarily have been infected.
Instead, she said it might be due to “dead cells” that emerged as the lungs healed.
“Some individuals are they test negative after a week or two or longer, are finding that they are testing positive again,” she said.
Regarding the dead cells, she explained: “It is not infectious. It is not reinfection. It is not reactivation. It is actually part of the healing process that has been captured again as being positive. So that is something really interesting.”
Asked whether people could be reinfected by coronavirus, she replied: “That is a very important question.
“When someone is infectious they develop anti-bodies and they develop part of an immune response one to two to three weeks after infection.
“Does this mean they have immunity? Does it mean they have a strong protection against reinfection and if so how long does that last?
“We do not have the answer to that yet.”