Coronavirus outbreak

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Yes I saw that too :sad:
The question is, is this a genuine positive ? The positive that caused Bling Matthews to leave seems to have been false.
I can't remember if it's three or five days before retesting. Time will tell, anyway.
The doctor quote they've added seems unhelpful. It seems like it would be surprising if Gaviria is still expelling dead virus after eight months, rather than the few weeks spoken about. For comparison, some lung cells only live for about 8 days.
The quote seems very helpful to me, quite comprehensive in fact (although it does highlight some remaining unknowns):
In May, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead on the COVID-19 outbreak, appearing on BBC’s The Andrew Marr Show(link is external), said that someone testing positive twice for coronavirus would not necessarily have been infected.

Instead, she said it might be due to “dead cells” that emerged as the lungs healed.

“Some individuals are they test negative after a week or two or longer, are finding that they are testing positive again,” she said.

Regarding the dead cells, she explained: “It is not infectious. It is not reinfection. It is not reactivation. It is actually part of the healing process that has been captured again as being positive. So that is something really interesting.”

Asked whether people could be reinfected by coronavirus, she replied: “That is a very important question.

“When someone is infectious they develop anti-bodies and they develop part of an immune response one to two to three weeks after infection.

“Does this mean they have immunity? Does it mean they have a strong protection against reinfection and if so how long does that last?

“We do not have the answer to that yet.”


Legendary Member
The Cronk
Mod note:

Folks, it's come to our notice that some posts on here are sounding like conspiracy theories. Please don't do that - the internet is full of places to share this stuff but we'd like CycleChat not to be one of them.

If you are going to make claims about the way the crisis is going please back them up with reputable sources for your information. As has been stated before, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube don't count as such unless they are also backed up by reputable sources.



Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Mod note:

Folks, it's come to our notice that some posts on here are sounding like conspiracy theories. Please don't do that - the internet is full of places to share this stuff but we'd like CycleChat not to be one of them.

If you are going to make claims about the way the crisis is going please back them up with reputable sources for your information. As has been stated before, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube don't count as such unless they are also backed up by reputable sources.


You mean the naughty Chinese didn't send it to us over 5G ? That's me told. :whistle:
There seems to be doubt about the accuracy of the particular test that is being used on the Giro, it seems it can return false positives in some cases.
As do all tests.

As it happens, I saw the Giro numbers compared with Italy pop figures today. Something like:
- Giro 0.8% positive [492 tests, IIRC]
- Italy 5% positive. [I don't even know over what period this is!

I wouldn't read tooo much into that without knowing more about who is tested in Italy etc!
As do all tests.

As it happens, I saw the Giro numbers compared with Italy pop figures today. Something like:
- Giro 0.8% positive [492 tests, IIRC]
- Italy 5% positive. [I don't even know over what period this is!

I wouldn't read tooo much into that without knowing more about who is tested in Italy etc!
Michael Matthews tested +ve on the Giro, was obliged to leave, then immediately tested again, twice, both times found -ve. There was also a Bora rider in an earlier race who tested +ve, had to leave, then immediately tested -ve. His team was the first to call into question the accuracy of the tests being done at races.
How will a Wales lockdown work if England don’t follow suit? There numbers aren’t that high anyway. It needs to be all or nothing or virus will return from across the border.
Wales lockdown, despite numbers lower than their neighbours.
Meanwhile Manchester demands payment to lockdown, despite being one of the worst areas by numbers in the nation.

Which/who is doing the right thing??


Leg End Member
Wales lockdown, despite numbers lower than their neighbours.
Meanwhile Manchester demands payment to lockdown, despite being one of the worst areas by numbers in the nation.

Which/who is doing the right thing??
London had a higher R-number than Manchester at one stage, 1.9 compared to 1.4, but no mention of locking it down, why not?


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Northumberland Council thinking about splitting from the 7 other NE Councils to avoid being tarred with the same Tier 3 brush... thereby missing out on vital Tier 3 money for being good little Tories.

The very people who don't see themselves as the problem seem to be able to ignore the point that we don't have to be formally locked down to maintain social distancing- when will the penny drop for them that it's all of us- the people- that have to do it voluntarily, not the authorities.


Radio 4 just done an interview with a clinical contact tracer. Some of the accounts are horrific. They can't divert from the script but he often has no choice. With Students he often has to do a mini consoling session. As they have no-one else to talk to. Some just don't want to engage. Some are clearly Hypoxic and slowly dying on the other end of the phone. One of which was sole carer did not want to engage out of fear being taken away from her husband. All they can do is pass it on and hope help arrives. He has no way of following them up.
Not the "NHS" service you'd expect.


North Yorkshire
Covid figures skewed by including positive cases from university students in other areas !

Students can only register with one Dr/Surgery. They would normally be expected to register with a surgery where they are studying.
Many have not, especially this year due to the long period studying at home. Here in North Yorkshire/Richmondshire students who test positive
are being included in the county's statistics and not actually where they are studying due to their home/GP's address still being registered.

The pattern is likely to be replicated across the country, however it may. be more marked in North Yorkshire given the high number of students who travel out of
the county to study. The County's Director of Public Health says it does make a difference especially in some of our smaller districts.
This also means outbreaks in university towns and cities could be seriously underestimated if positive cases are being registered elsewhere.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Covid figures skewed by including positive cases from university students in other areas !
Covered in last week's news. Outbreaks in Liv/Manc/Brum raising numbers in leafy south mids and north home counties.

Students can only register with one Dr/Surgery. They would normally be expected to register with a surgery where they are studying.
Many have not, especially this year due to the long period studying at home.
It's also not the first thing done on arrival and many outbreaks happened soon after students arrived.
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