Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
- Location
- mostly Norfolk, sometimes Somerset
I wrote "mainly"Are you saying that pubs are giving their drinks away, for nowt!
Most I've been in want the payment before the part with the drink.

Well, why did we stop doing that?It will in essence be a return to old closing times, why is that so hard to work with?
"The Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Bill will encourage a more civilised culture in pubs, bars and restaurants and increase choice for consumers. It will be based on clear objectives—preventing crime; reducing disorder and public nuisance; ensuring public safety; and protecting children from harm. [...] Most widely trailed, there will be potential for 24-hour opening seven days a week to help minimise, not increase, the public disorder which results from artificially early closing." (Tessa Jowell as Culture Minister, introducing the change)
The middle of a pandemic is no time to be failing to learn from history by resurrecting old traditions which were abandoned for very good reasons!